


How to Contribute

Set up environment

  1. Download and install SDK
  2. Install eGit plugin
    • Start Eclipse and open "Help -> Eclipse Marketplace... -> Search -> Find: "eGit" [Enter]"
    • Select eGit and install the plugin

Clone repository and create a branch

  1. Clone SmartMythTV repository
    • Open "File -> Import... -> Git/Projects from Git -> URI" and type
      • URI: ssh://<YOUR-SF-USERNAME>
      • Password: <YOUR-SF-PASSWORD>
    • Select "master"
  2. Create your own branch
    • right click project "SmartMythTV" -> Team -> Switch To -> New Branch... -> Finish
    • Add your features and document your improvements via Team -> Commit...
    • Push your changes to SF via Team -> Push to Upstream


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