
Troops building

  • Vitaliy Semochkin

    Many users asked for adding troops building feature.
    here I would like people to write how they would like this feature to be implemented. My current proposal is: build N troops per interval until crop production level is.
    For an instance:
          <trainInBarraks axeman="10" period="60" minCropProduction="-1000" />

    This will mean: build 10 axeman every 60 minutes till crop production is -1000.

    Before implementing this feature I would like to hear other opinions.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    >     <trainInBarraks axeman="10" period="60" minCropProduction="-1000"/>

    Why not simply train?
    <train axeman="10" period="60" minCropProduction="-1000"/>

  • Vitaliy Semochkin

    Because it will give options for workshop and stables.
    for an instance you want to train horses only till crop  production is positive
    and you don't want to train catapults that often.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    make sense ;-)


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