
SLX News :: September 2006

Just wanted to give an update of the next version of SL4.

Thus far I am trying to keep the look and feel of SL4 while
enhancing features and capabilities in the next version.

I should also mention that because of major changes in the
code and how it will deals with data, the next version will
use up disk space as well as memory a bit more than in SL4.
But this is a small price to pay as you will see when it is
released. I will hopefully have a small demo available
sometime in the future.

And as for what Lotteries it would be able to handle, well
for now I will only focus on a few Lotteries. But will hopefully
expand as more resources becomes available to me, so donations
will be most welcomed and appreciated.

Future Regards

N.G van der Westhuizen

Posted by SLX - Lotto 2006-09-15

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