
Tree [c5a6a6] master v3.0 /

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File Date Author Commit
 docs 2010-03-22 Yu Zhiguo Yu Zhiguo [c5a6a6] SLT-3.0 Release
 inc 2010-03-22 Yu Zhiguo Yu Zhiguo [c5a6a6] SLT-3.0 Release
 src 2010-03-22 Yu Zhiguo Yu Zhiguo [c5a6a6] SLT-3.0 Release
 tic 2010-03-22 Yu Zhiguo Yu Zhiguo [c5a6a6] SLT-3.0 Release
 COPYING 2010-01-18 Yu Zhiguo Yu Zhiguo [72637a] SLT init
 INSTALL 2010-01-18 Yu Zhiguo Yu Zhiguo [72637a] SLT init
 Makefile 2010-03-12 Yu Zhiguo Yu Zhiguo [b715a4] SLT: Change to PHONY target
 README 2010-03-22 Yu Zhiguo Yu Zhiguo [c5a6a6] SLT-3.0 Release
 TODO 2010-03-22 Yu Zhiguo Yu Zhiguo [c5a6a6] SLT-3.0 Release
 Version 2010-03-22 Yu Zhiguo Yu Zhiguo [c5a6a6] SLT-3.0 Release
 config 2010-01-18 Yu Zhiguo Yu Zhiguo [72637a] SLT init
 runslt 2010-01-24 Yu Zhiguo Yu Zhiguo [0f459e] runslt: Get TC name when list file is in curren...

Read Me

SLT: Smart Linux Tester

This is a free software.
See the COPYING file for redistribution/modification terms.
See the INSTALL file for generic building instructions.

1. About SLT
2. Construction
3. Run SLT
4. Look Over Result
5. Logfile Parser
6. Add Test Case
7. Contact Info

1. About SLT
  SLT is a test framework for Linux.
  You can use the testsets in an existent repository or create some
  testsets as your own self repository.

  * In SLT, testset will be called 'TC' (short for 'Test Category').

2. Construction
  * Components:
    - test driver(runslt)
    - test controller(tic)
    - log parser(sltparser)

  * Subdirectories:
    - inc      : C, Bash, Perl and Python APIs.
    - tic      : test item controller.
    - src      : source of subtools.

  * Framework & Repository

    | SLT Framework            |                   SLT Repository |
    |              ---------   |                                  |
    |             |Libraries|  |                                  |
    |              ---------   |           ----------------       |
    |                          |          |                |      |
    |   ------                 |          |             -------   |
    |  |Driver|                |          |            |  TC1  |  |
    |   ------                 |          |             -------   |
    |       | listfile         |          |             -------   |
    |       ----------         |          | Repository |  TC2  |  |
    |      |Controllor|-----------------> |             -------   |
    |       ----------         |          |             -------   |
    |              |           |          |            |  TCn  |  |
    |              ---------   |          |             -------   |
    |             |LogParser|  |          |                |      |
    |              ---------   |           ----------------       |

  * Layer perspective:

              |   | ... Test Category * TC (testset)
           |    |    |
         |   |      ... Test Item     * TI (testfile)
      |    |    |
      O    O    O   ... Test Point    * TP (routine in testfile)

  * Add TC
    A listfile should be added. And if configuration is needed,
    private configure file 'privconfig' can be added in TC's directory.

3. Run SLT
  * Prerequisites:
    - root privilege
    - C compiler
    - Perl interpreter

  * Run:
    - Some TC:
      # runslt -c '${somepath}/category'

    - One TC:
      # runslt -l '${somepath}/list'

    - One TI:
      # runslt -i '${somepath}/'
      # ${somepath}/

    - Some TP:
      # runslt -i '${somepath}/{1-2,4};test_operator.pod'
      # ${somepath}/ -p '1-2,4'

4. Look Over Result
  * Location:
    After running these test items, you will find directory named "result" 
    in current directory.
    It contains some subdirectories named %y%m%d-%H%M%S, such as 090522-111931. 

    Enter these subdirectories, you can find test result. The logfile is "log" 
    and the result directory is "res".

  * Result Classes:
    - PASS:
      - Pass: the test behaved as expected.
      - Warn: the test behaved imperfectly but is judged as a warning.
      - Untested: the test is not available on the system.
      - FIP (futher information provided): the test needs to be checked manually.
    - FAIL:
      - Fail: the test did not behave as expected.
      - Uninitiated: the particular test did not start to execute.
      - Unresolved: the test started but did not reach the real test point.
      - Unreported: the test is broken.

5. Logfile Parser
  * Introduction:
    sltparser, it is a Perl script.
    You can use it to analyze the specified logfile and output the result into 
    a specified result directory.

  * Usage:
    # sltparser '${somepath}/log'
    result directory '${somepath}/res' will be created.

    # sltparser -r myresult '${somepath}/log'
    result directory 'myresult' will be created.

    # sltparser -h
    display help information.

6. Add Test Case
  Please refer to directory 'docs/sample'.

7. Contact Info
  Yu Zhiguo (