
Simple Long Ocean Wave Model / News: Recent posts

New release of tsunami forecast server

A new version of the tsunami forecast server slowmo has been released. The main feature of this release is better performance.

You can try out the server at:

Posted by Jesper Larsen 2007-06-26

How to make a tsunami

You can go to to make a tsunami.

The source code to the tsunami web server slowmo has just been released in a new version. Please try it out if you have some experience with Python and let me know about any issues and what you think about it.

Posted by Jesper Larsen 2006-09-11

slowmo release 1.1.3: Higher accuracy

Simple Long Ocean Wave Model (slowmo) 1.1.3 has been released. Slowmo is an application to calculate and plot tsunami travel times.

The main features of this release are

- More accurate formula for calculation of tsunami travel times.

- The slowmo tsunami web server now cleans up temporary files.

- Option (--local) to run slowmo without installing it.

Posted by Jesper Larsen 2005-10-14

slowmo release 1.1.2: Easier installation

Simple Long Ocean Wave Model (slowmo) 1.1.2 has been released. Slowmo is an application to calculate and plot tsunami travel times.

The main feature of this release is that the bathymetry is now read from the original binary file instead of a NetCDF (format widely used in earth science) file.

It is therefore no longer necessary to install ScientificPython and dependencies used by ScientificPython anymore. Hopefully this will ease the installation of slowmo somewhat. Please see for installation details.... read more

Posted by Jesper Larsen 2005-10-01

slowmo user feedback request

If you are using slowmo or considering doing so I would like you comments on:

- Do you prefer a graphical web interface or an ordinary graphical user interface?

(I would like to remove the ordinary graphical user interface if no-one uses it - no need to have feature creep)

- What parts of slowmo would like to see improved?

You can either send me your comments on or comment on this news item.

Posted by Jesper Larsen 2005-09-10

slowmo release 1.1.1: Improved tsunami web server

The main feature of release 1.1.1 is a much improved tsunami web server. It includes the following:

- Huge performance improvements.

- A point and click interface to performing a tsunami calculation

- More information is output to the user

Posted by Jesper Larsen 2005-09-10

slowmo release 1.1.0

This release features an experimental tsunami web server for publishing your tsunami travel times to the general public. Using a browser it is then possible to request and receive a tsunami travel times contour map from your server.

The release also feature a couple of bug fixes.

Posted by Jesper Larsen 2005-08-27

slowmo release 1.0.2

Slowmo is now outputting a text file containing tsunami travel times in addition to the png file containing a contour plot of the tsunami travel times.

This new file can be used by people who wish to use their own plotting software for the contouring.

Posted by Jesper Larsen 2005-08-08

slowmo release 1.0.1

Slowmo 1.0.1 has been released.

A bug concerning the subsampling option has been fixed. Furthermore the plots are made nicer and an experimental graphical user interface has been implemented.

Posted by Jesper Larsen 2005-07-08

First release of slowmo

If you would like to simulate your own tsunami and investigate how it propagates across the ocean try out slowmo.

Posted by Jesper Larsen 2005-06-20