
Slooze PHP Web Photo Album / News: Recent posts

Slooze PHP Web Photo Album 0.2.7

Release 0.2.7 is now available.

Enhancements and bug fixes in this release include minor changes to ensure better compatibility with PHP5.

The documentation on the web site at has been updated.

Posted by Matthew Kendall 2006-07-17

Slooze PHP Web Photo Album 0.2.6

Release 0.2.6 is now available.

New features in this release include searching of comments in addition to picture descriptions.

The documentation on the web site at has been updated.

Posted by Matthew Kendall 2006-07-09

Slooze PHP Web Photo Album 0.2.5

Release 0.2.5 is now available.

New features in this release include optional automatic thumbnail generation and optional email notification when new comments are added.

The documentation on the web site at has been updated to describe the new features.

Posted by Matthew Kendall 2005-11-14

Slooze PHP Web Photo Album 0.2.4

Release 0.2.4 is now available.

New features in this release include Topic thumbnail images, displayed in topic lists.

Enhancements and bug fixes include a hierarchical topic list in Topic admin forms, thumbnail hover-text now works in Firefox, Mozilla, et al., button text may be changed (localised), deletion of non-empty topics and rolls is prevented, search feature may be enabled/disabled, pictures may be sorted, better compatibility with different PHP installations, more robust text-file storage and more conservative defaults, no longer times out when auto-adding a large number of pictures, CSS stylesheet tidied up.... read more

Posted by Matthew Kendall 2005-04-22

Slooze PHP Web Photo Album 0.2.3

Release 0.2.3 is now available.

New features in this release include user rating of pictures, counting the number of times each picture has been viewed, sorting of pictures by most viewed and top rated, caching of pages for speed, and First|Prev|Next|Last picture navigation.

Enhancements and bug fixes include proper encoding of URLs, easier customisation and localisation into different languages, better functionality when using CSV storage, and resolving issues with PHP 4.0.3pl1.... read more

Posted by Matthew Kendall 2001-01-15

Slooze PHP Web Photo Album 0.2.2

Release 0.2.2 is now available.

New features in this release include a new topic summary displayed below the topic header, and the recording of the poster's IP address with comments. Also, some basic error reporting has been added to give the user more of a clue when deletion of topics or rolls is prevented because they are not empty, and Slooze no longer times out when auto-adding a large number of pictures. The web site at has been updated, and you can see the new features in action on the demo.

Posted by Matthew Kendall 2000-07-28

Slooze PHP Web Photo Album 0.2.1

New features in minor release 0.2.1 include: allow selection of default topic on Add All Photos, allow deletion of comments in admin mode,
work around Netscape forms rendering bug.

Posted by Matthew Kendall 2000-06-26

Slooze PHP Web Photo Album 0.2

New features in release 0.2 include:
Choose to store data in an RDBMS instead of simple text files. All major databases are supported through the use of PHPLib database abstraction.
Users can add comments to photos.
More robust against invalid inputs.
New delete forms. All readonly form elements are now hidden, so all forms are less cluttered.
See the project web site for updated documentation.

Posted by Matthew Kendall 2000-06-23

Slooze PHP Web Photo Album 0.1

The first public release of the Slooze PHP Web Photo Album is now available. The project web site is also now up and running, and has a live demonstration as well as documentation.

Posted by Matthew Kendall 2000-06-12