
Vision for sLML

  • Reuben Tozman

    Reuben Tozman - 2009-08-25

    The files that are part of sLML are a set of schema files that you can use to build your own processing around. Ultimately, the idea is to reorient online learning to a more dynamic platform, in which content can be generated dynamically. If we all use the same markup, then data interchange is easy and best of all, our own particular branding can be applied to any content that uses sLML.

    What are your visions for sLML? Any questions?

    • Reuben Tozman

      Reuben Tozman - 2009-09-10

      Would love to hear from people who downloaded the files about what they've seen. Any comments?

  • Joel Fisler

    Joel Fisler - 2009-10-23

    I did not find any XSLT files, how do you transform your files? Where can I find the transformation files? What formats do you transform to?

    I did look at the structure but I was confused a bit. Do you have a documentation? I didnt find anything. For example, why do you define a metadata element instead of using e.g. the LOM standard?

    So anyway, its difficult for me to really comment without more background information. From what I see looking at the schema I could comment that you are a using a lot of different elements and build up a complex structure. We at the eLML project (see did also start with a lot more elements that we have now, especially with more semantic elements but in the end nobody was using them. The reason was that the transformation we provided did not display those semantic elements like "explanation" or "definition" differently than a normal paragraph. Authors go very much by what they see in the result so if those elements look the same in the result, they dont use it. And we did find no project who would create their own transformation, they would all use the default transformation. So we had to simplify the structure and got rid of many semantic element (or included them in attributes like the "icon" attribute that allows you to set value like "important" or "help" etc.).

    So as I already wrote, to go into detail about sLML I would need to have more information and I would have to see how your transformation looks like and what you concepts behind the structure are.

  • Reuben Tozman

    Reuben Tozman - 2009-10-29

    Hey Joel,

    We have made a conscious decision right now not to provide default XSLT. This standard was created to support more of a semantic web approach to eLearning which means supporting dynamic content generation. Ideally, those that use the schema would create their own transformation(s) based on the platform and business requirements of the situation. It also means that two companies that use this standard can use their own transformations to absorb each other's content (very similar to the DITA model).

    In the end, the transformation is the expression of the business requirement. Since this is going to be different for different organizations we expect the transformations to be different. Our company services many clients using this schema, but always implement the XSLT, or XSLFO differently for the different clients.

    AN example of dynamic content generation based on this model can be found at If you go to the teachers section and look for the PD Plan Builder, this is a web app that we created that creates individualized learning packages at run time. We are now working on HTML transforms for the content.

    I would be more than happy to walk through the schema with you so you have a better idea of how to use it.


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