Jonah Naylor - 2019-04-02

Hi I hope you can please help. I'm struggling with setting up Slirp.

I have a wifi hayes compatible modem like this:

It works great with BBSes from my Amiga using any terminal software.

But I'm struggling to get the internet with it when I connect to Slirp. Part of the problem is I don't have a clue if I'm actually setting things up right.

I have Slirp installed on Debian on a raspberry PI (or Armbian!)

I've added this config file ./slirprc:

asyncmap 0
mtu 552
mru 552
log start

redir 5555 23

Don't ask where I got the above entries, it was a combo of trying to follow the documentation and also a few sites online I've found about Slirp, albeit for different usage cases which doesn't help.

I then run Slirp.

On my other dialup Amiga computer which is using the Retro Wifi Modem, I use my dialer software setting my static IP to and the gateway to

It establishes a connection and dials up and says it is connected when I use SLIP. I can also dialup too with PPP.

However that's where I get stuck, if I open a web browser or try ping or ping a server address I get 100% packet loss. The web browser fails to resolve the hostname etc and I just can't get any internet despite the slirp connection being connected.

My wifi modem is set to the same baud as slirp is (although I don't know if that matters) and I also tried turning off my firewall on my router.

I also tried changing the Amiga to use the local IP of the debian raspberry pi instead of AND I even tried putting the static IP to dynamic and the gateway to dynamic as well as dynamic/fake.

But it all just does the same thing, I can connect but not pull any internet in...

Thanks if anyone can please help me or point me in the right direction. :)


Last edit: Jonah Naylor 2019-04-02