
Slipfighter / News: Recent posts

Slipfighter 0.1 Released!

Version 0.1 has been released!

It's just an engine demo, no game content. :)

That's coming soon.

Posted by Tom Arnold 2007-09-24


Perhaps the last post was made in haste.

HOPEFULLY, soon I'll get a demo up. The game engine really is almost done, honest. Just needs a few tweaks here and there. The AI needs a bit of loving as well.

Posted by Tom Arnold 2007-09-03

Release Soon

For anyone following this (you're probably quite alone :)), I'm hoping to get a release in soon, even if it's just a demo. Probably the last two significant things I need to do are AI and a framework for missions.

We'll see. :D

Posted by Tom Arnold 2007-08-24