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SLG Comms 3.2.0 released

Hi everyone,

It's been a while since the last release. There has actually been a release with version 3.1.1. But that one was never publicly released.

v3.2.0 brings support for the following
- SLG Comms has the ability to cache data. Other then that it really doesn't offer anything extra to the solution offer themselves. (Thanks to Ginger from
- French translation. (Thanks to Peloo)
- Support for Ventrilo v3.0.0 and higher
- Support for various new versions of forums like PhpBB 3.0.0 and higher, Burning Board 3.0 / Lite 2.0.0 and more.... read more

Posted by Soul--Reaver 2008-08-15

SLG Comms 3.1.0 released

Some nice changes in this release. The best on being the compression of retrieved rawdata before storing it in the database

- Removed language item from lng_index.php: "{TEXT_IP_PORT_COMB_ERROR}" (still present in lng_earlyerrors.php)
- Renamed the language item "{TEXT_NOGROUP}" in lng_earlyerrors.php to "{TEXT_NOGROUP_INSTALL}"
- Added new language items called: {TEXT_GZIPEXT}, {TEXT_UNACCEPTABLE_TABLEPREFIX}
- Fixed sentence incase install.php hasn't been deleted in lng_admin.php ({TEXT_INSTALL_FILE_PRESENT})
- Updated the language item {TEXT_HELP_FORUM_TYPE} with correct text
- Moved some of the TeamSpeak tooltips language placeholder to another variable in lng_index_ts.php for improved processing
- Improved code in the processing of custom server ip:port fields
- Fixed a bug in the function forum_existence_check().
- Created a new function which should handle the comparing of directory strings.
- Fixed some problems which backslashes and forward slashes in server variables.
- Fixed a problem during installation with the dirname function.
- Modified a english language line in lng_index.php
- Adjusted name of Xoops forum support from Xoops 2.2.3 -> Xoops 2.2.3a because it's a unstable alpha release
- TeamSpeak server data retrieval timeout set from 15 to 20 secs
- Changed required php version to 4.2.3 due to changes in the code which required this version or higher.
- Fixed a bug where SLG Comms didn't display a proper error in some situations when selecting a forum group during installation of SLG Comms
- Changed the DEBUG constant name from "DEBUG" to "SLG_DEBUG"
- Small improvements in the db classes concerning error handling
- Improved break line checks. This should enable the script to work better with mac and windows line endings in files. (files delivered with original SLG Comms package use unix line endings)
- Optimized the query for checking whether you use a valid session a bit.
- Added gzip compression to the requirements list. This will be used to compress rawdata retrieved from servers.
- Moved all table name decisions to (the same decisions were also present in install.php)
- Dropped the unique index in the resources table. This resulted in some needed modifications in the code but overall SLG Comms improved.
- Changed the field type where the rawdata is stored from TEXT to BLOB to better support compressed rawdata
- Table prefix is now limited to a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and _ characters. All other characters are removed
- Added support for Burning Board 2.3.6
- Added support for Invision Board 2.1.7
- Added support for Invision Board 2.2.1
- Added support for PhpBB 2.0.22
- Added support for PhpBB3 Beta 4 and Beta 5
- Added support for PhpNuke 8.0 + PhpBB 2.0.7
- Added support for SMF (Simple Machines Forum) 1.0.10
- Added support for SMF (Simple Machines Forum) 1.1.1
- Added support for vBulletin 3.6.4
- Added support for XOOPS 2.2.5 RC2 + CBB 3.07... read more

Posted by Soul--Reaver 2007-01-30

SLG Comms 3.0.1 released


Time for a new bugfix release since v3.0.0 had some problems with PHP4 error generated errors and also with older versions of MySQL 4.0 and 3.23.

Anyways here's the changelog
- Fixed a bug in the check_cache_status() function
- Changed example ip addresses to and localhost in new installations
- Fixed a missing query needed for the example servers inserted upon new installations.
- Fix for sub query's applied which were used during update to v3.0.0 during Installation and in the "Add Resource" page.
- IPv6 support disabled since PHP4 returns incorrect errors when this feature is activated.
- Added support for "PHP-Nuke 7.8 + PhpBB 2.0.7"
- Added an extra check in for the realname retrieved from the forum tables incase the realname is empty
- Removed the md5() of the username during login to improve performance on forums with a lot of users.
- Modified install.php to use the test_new_forum() function to check whether the forum settings are valid.... read more

Posted by Soul--Reaver 2006-06-24

SLG Comms 3.0.0 released

It's a new version. The outside is still much the same but the inside has been modified a lot.

Performance should have stayed pretty much the same.
Some new options were added.
Support for other forums has been added.
New template has been created that should used if you want to use SLG Comms within a side-block of CMS.
New option to either sort Ventrilo channels Alphabetically or Manually. This was necessary because the sorting method could not be decided on by the provided server data.... read more

Posted by Soul--Reaver 2006-06-16

SLG Comms 2.2.4 released

The 2 most important things in this release that have been fixed:

  1. A bug which would cause the downloading of the during installation and update of SLG Comms to fail. The downloading of this file would have only have been necessary if auto saving of the file would fail. So I hope this didn’t cause to much problems for people trying SLG Comms.

  2. Problems which could have been caused because of a new feature in Ventrilo server 2.3.0 and higher versions have been fixed. This feature allowed server admins to disable certain data from being retrieved by Ventrilo_status. The following 5 options were available:... read more

Posted by Soul--Reaver 2006-03-17

SLG Comms 2.2.3 released

Bugfix release

- New language item {TEXT_INVALID_CONF_FILE}
- Added extra checks whether needed variables for forum support are available.
- Added support for vBulletin 3.5.0
- Fixed a bug in the db mysqli class ( when a port is given to connect to.
- Fixed a problem with a getting a blank html page when MySQL extension isn't loaded. An appropriate error will be displayed now.
- Fixed a fatal error message when notusing the apache webserver.

Posted by Soul--Reaver 2005-12-25

SLG Comms 2.2.2 released

There was a relatively serious bug in the TeamSpeak server parser which required a bugfix release.

- Fixed a glitch in install.php when selecting the wrong installation type when you're upgrading an existing installation of SLG Comms.
- Added a extra check whether the queryport for TeamSpeak is actually a port number.
- Improved ip:port checker
- Automatically select the right install type and hide the language and template options incase of updating an old version of SLG Comms.
- Fixed a whitespace problem in the custom ip:port field
- A number of small tweaks to the TeamSpeak channel / client looping process
- Fixed a bug in the TeamSpeak server parser which could cause NOTICE and WARNING level errors to be generated.
- Removed version number from the default Page title field upon a new installation of SLG Comms as this number might be confusing when updating SLG Comms.

Posted by Soul--Reaver 2005-11-18

SLG Comms 2.2.1 released

Another new version. This one hosts a lot of performance enhancements.

here's the change log

- Improved the displaymessage function when it's supposed to stop script execution.
- Overhauled the complete TeamSpeak server data parser code to improve performance.
- Checked and, when possible, adjusted all condition statements to be stricter.
- Updated install.php to support updates after v2.2.0 as the old version number wasn't retrieved if you installed SLG Comms with database support enabled.
- Enhanced install.php in upgrade mode where possible to be less confusing.
- Improved the template process a tiny bit. Though it's still problematic when viewing TeamSpeak and / or Ventrilo servers which have unusually large amount of channels and clients (Large meaning more then 400 channels).
- Rearranged some language items to possibly speed up the template process for the TeamSpeak and Ventrilo templates.
- Fixed a small bug which concerns the caching of data. This was specifically causing problems for the TeamSpeak server data parser.
- Fixed a bug where TeamSpeak command errors weren't detected correctly.
- DEBUG mode now also displays the processing time for the template engine.
- DEBUG mode now also displays the time it took to retrieve the live server data.
- Added some validity checks on the custom ip:port field.
- Fixed the displayal of the "Retrieved data status" which sometimes displayed incorrect values.
- Changed the moment where live server data is saved for caching.
- Fixed a glitch in the TeamSpeak server parser concerning clients nickname and loginname.
- Updated the TeamSpeak and Ventrilo server data parser to be more secure against tampering.
- Improved the DB classes.
- Fixed a notice level error with the "Page refresh timer" variable in
- Fixed a bug in the MySQLi DB class ( concerning the timecount class calls.
- Added "Recording" and "Voice Request" status to the info behind the name of the clients.
- Removed the "breakdown_rights" function as i've implemented a faster way for calculating the rights of clients and channels.
- Fixed a bug in the TeamSpeak function which detenmines the flags that should be displayed. It sometimes displayed the Auto-Voice flag while it should display the Auto-Op and vice versa.
- Finetuned the channel and client sorting functions a bit.
- Improved the TeamSpeak error managing a bit.... read more

Posted by Soul--Reaver 2005-10-24

SLG Comms 2.2.0 released

Yes v2.2.0 has been released. It's offers some nice advantages in information being displayed for both TeamSpeak and Ventrilo and also adds a lot to the security of the script. I also added some new settings so that you can control more of the things being shown.

Anyways here's the change log for version v2.2.0

- Fixed a problem with html characters in the dropdown box "Default server" in the admin settings page and install page.
- Merged 2 savecache functions, one for teamspeak ( and one for ventrilo (, to one function within
- Added some extra protection against characters in the server data retrieved from ventrilo and teamspeak servers which could contain sql injection code.
- Added a new function to the MySQL and MySQLi classes called "escape_string".
- Added extra protection to the exec function used by
- Added a check whether the Ventrilo status program file you selected exists (only applicable for the admin settings page, this has not been implemented in the install page). It doesn't check whether its the right file though.
- Removed the str_split() function as it was only used by ones and nowhere else. I found a better supported and faster way to perform the task that was needed.
- Fixed a comment glitch for clients within ventrilo channels with html special characters.
- Small update to the db classes for a before unused query type.
- Changed the Ventrilo server cached data separator. This will cause the old cached data to be invalid. Please wait untill the amount of seconds have passed so that new data will be retrieved from the servers.
- Changed the way some of the TeamSpeak functions received their variables. Hopefully this new way takes less memory and is a bit faster
- Improved the TeamSpeak server data parser a bit.
- Added a calculated value which counts the amount of Server Admins on the server.
- Improved installation interface for step 3 when you're updating from an earlier version.
- Fixed a bug which was present in all earlier releases, when used with database support, at the moment the script wanted to update the version number of SLG Comms.
- Support for SMF 1.1 RC1
- Added a better displayal of a TeamSpeak clients status besides the small picture next to his name.
- Moved the TeamSpeak explanation language items from the text array to the tooltips array within the language file "lng_index_sub.php"
- Added new language items to "lng_index_sub.php" for the TeamSpeak statusses.
- Added a new language item to "lng_admin_settings.php" called "{TEXT_VENTRILO_STAT_PROG_CHECK}".
- Fixed a typo in the english language files.
- Added a Setting that enabled the ability to show or hide the Processing time stuff at the bottom of the pages.
- Changed the TeamSpeak provider info to be more resistant against spam engines looking for email addresses.
- Removed the strdecode function because php seems to have a builtin faster alternative, namely: rawurldecode().
- Added some protection against email spam catchers for the email address which could be present in the the TeamSpeak server data.
- Improved the url checker for TeamSpeak provider url field... read more

Posted by Soul--Reaver 2005-10-03

BUG with updating procedure discovered

It seems a bug was present in the query which updates the version number of SLG Comms. Since the updating procedure has nothing else to do in every version that was released this wasn't a problem. But since i'm releasing v2.2.0 soon i discovered this bug because the updating procedure needs to change more besides the version number with that release.

Anyways i'm sorry for any problems this might have caused you or suspicion of a significant problem. This will definitly be fixed in version v2.2.0

Posted by Soul--Reaver 2005-09-29

SLG Comms 2.1.8 released

This release probably encompasses the most changes i ever made to a release. Not in size but in the amount. Anyways here's the change log (as the change log is getting pretty big i'm just pasting the part about this release)

- Changed the Teamspeak server connection timeout from 1 second to 2 seconds.
- Improved the layout of the Ventrilo server connection errors a tiny bit.
- Added support for IPB2.1.
- Added voicecodec and voiceformat info for ventrilo server.
- Improved ventrilo server data parser.
- Improved displayal of channel and clients detail information.
- Fixed a problem with the strdecode function applied to the ventrilo server data.
- Ventrilo Channel and Server comments are now displayed the same way Ventrilo client comments are displayed.
- Improved the linewrap function.... read more

Posted by Soul--Reaver 2005-09-20

SLG Comms 2.1.7 released

Some small problems that surfaced after the release of v2.1.6 have been fixed. Here's the change log.

- Fixed problem with html tag chars in server / resource names.
- Added style tags for hiding the tooltips incase you've got an older version of the stylesheet.
- Fixed a problem with special characters returned by ventrilo (ea. '=' being converted to '%3D').
- Improved the template process.
- Incase stylesheet doesn't load properly for some reason layout would be terribly wrong. Fixed this so that the pages would at least be navigatable.
- Amount of retries when trying to connect to ventrilo servers lowered from 3 to 2 retries... read more

Posted by Soul--Reaver 2005-09-12

SLG Comms 2.1.6 released

Some bug fixes and A mayor change in the displaying of detailed channel and client information.

- Fixed notice error displayed in custom server teamspeak requests
- Fixed problem with the third part of the custom ip string which wasn't passed on properly
- Improved code for the processing of data retrieved from ventrilo servers
- Fixed a typo in the english language file "lng_common.php"
- Changed the way channel and client information is displayed. Should be more browser friendly.
- Fixed some grammar flaws in the language files.... read more

Posted by Soul--Reaver 2005-09-10

SLG Comms 2.1.5 released

It seems Ventrilo can have subchannels within subchannels. SLG overlooked this in earlier versions but it has been fixed now.

- Improved error reporting for ventrilo servers a tiny bit.
- Fixed Subchannels problem with subchannels within subchannels
- Added support for PhpBB 2.0.17

v2.1.5 template changes
- Added the copyright html head tag.
- Added css body tag for custom style scroll bar and set defaults for the page.... read more

Posted by Soul--Reaver 2005-07-30

Ventrilo v2.3.0 released

There is a new version of the Ventrilo server / client available at

Previous versions of SLG Comms are compatible with this new ventrilo server version. Also i like to add that the new ventrilo server doesn't add anything new to the server data returned to SLG Comms which means nothing can be added at the moment.

Posted by Soul--Reaver 2005-07-19

SLG Comms 2.1.4 released

2.1.4 fixes some small bugs / glitches and improves some minor things in the source.

- improved version updater for NO-DATABASE mode updates
- decreased number of required images in Channel information pane
- fixed notice level error in
- improved memory consumnption.... should be less now.

- fixed bug with template and language drop down boxes
- added auto update for client using the NO_DATABASE feature... read more

Posted by Soul--Reaver 2005-07-08

SLG Comms 2.1.3 released

This release fixes some minor bugs which surfaced after the release of 2.1.2

- fixed bug with template and language drop down boxes
- added auto update for clients using the NO_DATABASE feature

v2.1.3 template changes
- {TEXT_ADMIN_WELCOME} missed some layout code in tpl_admin

- Glitch with mozilla browser javascript popups fixed
- Better security
- Support for SMF 1.0.5
- Support for SMF 1.1 beta 3
- Support for PhpBB 2.0.16
- Several template bugs in install.php fixed
- Added some comments
- changed filenames of file in includes/admin/ folder to correct ones (forgot the .inc in the filename)... read more

Posted by Soul--Reaver 2005-07-01

SLG Comms 2.1.2 released

SLG Comms 2.1.2 has been released and fixes a couple of small glitches

Posted by Soul--Reaver 2005-06-30

First public release

SLG Comms has been in the making for a couple of months now and i thought it was finally worth of a public release.

Posted by Soul--Reaver 2005-06-25