
what does the pose mean?

  • hexu

    hexu - 2018-04-15

    how to record the pose when I use TLS?

    • Andreas Nuechter


      pose is position and orientation and the .pose files contain a line for
      position (x,y,z) and one line for orientation (theta_x, theta_y, theta_z).

      The first scan usually defines the coordinate system (project coordinate
      system) and the point clouds are given in their own scanner own
      coordinate system.

      For TLS initial pose estimates could be given for example by GPS.

      Very best,

      On 15.04.2018 11:38, hexu wrote:

      how to record the pose when I use TLS?

      what does the pose mean?

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  • hexu

    hexu - 2018-04-15

    @Andreas Nuechter I got it,thank you.

  • hexu

    hexu - 2018-04-15

    test the slam6D on data sets of randersacker.

    when I run the command : bin/slam6D -s 0 -e 1 -r 10 -i 100 -d 75 -D 250 --epsICP=0.00001 -I 50 --cldist=750 -L 0 -G 1 --anim=1 dat/randersacker

    and the results are as follows:

    slam6D - A highly efficient SLAM implementation based on scan matching
    with 6 degrees of freedom
    (c) University of Wuerzburg, Germany, since 2013
    Jacobs University Bremen gGmbH, Germany, 2009 - 2013
    University of Osnabrueck, Germany, 2006 - 2009

    slam6D will proceed with the following parameters:
    Maximal distance match : 75
    Maximal number of iterations: 100

    Maximal distance match : 75
    Maximal number of iterations: 100

    too many values in line 1
    unable to parse line 1
    too many values in line 2
    unable to parse line 2
    too many values in line 3
    unable to parse line 3
    too many values in line 4
    unable to parse line 4
    too many values in line 5
    unable to parse line 5
    too many values in line 6
    unable to parse line 6
    too many values in line 7
    unable to parse line 7
    too many values in line 8
    unable to parse line 8
    too many values in line 9
    unable to parse line 9
    too many values in line 10
    unable to parse line 10
    too many values in line 11
    unable to parse line 11
    Path does neither exist nor is a zip archive: "dat/randersacker/scan001.3d"
    terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
    what(): There is no scan file for [001] in [dat/randersacker/]

    and I try to open it on cloudcompare,it fails. is that the data's prblem?

    • Andreas Nuechter


      Randersacker, i.e., data set #26 from

      is specified as follows:

      X,Y,Z (lefthanded) and reflectance in uosr format

      Thus, you need to use "-f uosr" to tell the software, the file format.

      Very best,

      On 15.04.2018 16:15, hexu wrote:

      test the slam6D on data sets of randersacker.

      when I run the command : bin/slam6D -s 0 -e 1 -r 10 -i 100 -d 75 -D 250
      --epsICP=0.00001 -I 50 --cldist=750 -L 0 -G 1 --anim=1 dat/randersacker

      and the results are as follows:

      slam6D - A highly efficient SLAM implementation based on scan matching
      with 6 degrees of freedom
      (c) University of Wuerzburg, Germany, since 2013
      Jacobs University Bremen gGmbH, Germany, 2009 - 2013
      University of Osnabrueck, Germany, 2006 - 2009

      slam6D will proceed with the following parameters:
      Maximal distance match : 75
      Maximal number of iterations: 100

      Maximal distance match : 75
      Maximal number of iterations: 100

      too many values in line 1
      unable to parse line 1
      too many values in line 2
      unable to parse line 2
      too many values in line 3
      unable to parse line 3
      too many values in line 4
      unable to parse line 4
      too many values in line 5
      unable to parse line 5
      too many values in line 6
      unable to parse line 6
      too many values in line 7
      unable to parse line 7
      too many values in line 8
      unable to parse line 8
      too many values in line 9
      unable to parse line 9
      too many values in line 10
      unable to parse line 10
      too many values in line 11
      unable to parse line 11
      Path does neither exist nor is a zip archive: "dat/randersacker/scan001.3d"
      terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
      what(): There is no scan file for [001] in [dat/randersacker/]

      and I try to open it on cloudcompare,it fails. is that the data's prblem?

      what does the pose mean?

      Sent from because you indicated interest in

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  • hexu

    hexu - 2018-04-16

    it works,thank you!

  • hexu

    hexu - 2018-04-16

    when I run like this : bin/slam6D -s 0 -e 1 -r 10 -i 100 -d 75 -D 250 --anim=1 dat/lecturehall
    does it mean the follow scans rotated viewing the first scan as target? if so,I try to multiply the rotation matrixs one by one in scan0001.frames.
    and I think it is the final rotation matrixs of sacn001 ,is it right?

    it's the code that I made in octave:

    function trans=trans_pose(trans_matrix)
    for i=2:m

    • Andreas Nuechter


      I am unsure, if I completely get your question...

      Yes, the computed transformation from the first scan matching is applied
      as initial transform to the remaining scans.
      If you do not want to have this, e.g., if you have global initial
      estimates, you need to use "-p" (trust pose estimates).

      Is this, what you wanted to know?

      Very best,

      On 16.04.2018 07:18, hexu wrote:

      when I run like this : bin/slam6D -s 0 -e 1 -r 10 -i 100 -d 75 -D 250
      --anim=1 dat/lecturehall
      does it mean the follow scans rotated viewing the first scan as target?
      if so,I try to multiply the rotation matrixs one by one in scan0001.frames.
      and I think it is the final rotation matrixs of sacn001 ,is it right?

      it's the code that I made in octave:

      function trans=trans_pose(trans_matrix)
      for i=2:m

      what does the pose mean?

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  • hexu

    hexu - 2018-04-16

    whe I run the examples: bin/show dat
    it seems not work to save points by clicking 'save selected points '
    what it saves just like this:

    points from scan nr 0

    points from scan nr 1

    points from scan nr 2

    • Andreas Nuechter


      at my end, it just works fine. Please say "bin/show dat". Then selct
      "always all points", disable mousenav and start selecting your points.
      Then you can save the selected points (red) into the file (selected.3d).

      Very best,

      My log:

      nuechter@T440:~/slam6d-code$ bin/show dat
      (wx)show - A highly efficient 3D point cloud viewer
      (c) University of Wuerzburg, Germany, since 2013
      Jacobs University Bremen gGmbH, Germany, 2009 - 2013
      University of Osnabrueck, Germany, 2006 - 2009

      Path does neither exist nor is a zip archive: "dat/scan003.3d"
      No data found for scan003!
      Creating display octrees..
      no conversion performed in line 1
      unable to parse line 1
      Scan 0 octree finished (946K 716B).
      no conversion performed in line 1
      unable to parse line 1
      Scan 1 octree finished (943K 244B).
      no conversion performed in line 1
      unable to parse line 1
      Scan 2 octree finished (938K 292B).
      Using existing frames...
      Selected point: 94.6002 -30.0799 60.4023
      Selected point: 90.8796 -38.8017 221.563
      Distance to last point: 161.439

      On 16.04.2018 08:26, hexu wrote:

      whe I run the examples: bin/show dat
      it seems not work to save points by clicking 'save selected points '
      what it saves just like this:

      points from scan nr 0

      points from scan nr 1

      points from scan nr 2

      what does the pose mean?

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  • hexu

    hexu - 2018-04-16

    it works,great. can I save the data without words like this"# points from scan nr 0"? because I cannt open it in other software~

    • Dorit Borrmann

      Dorit Borrmann - 2018-04-16

      Sure, but you need to modify the code for this.
      In file "src/show/" remove or comment line 368:
      selectionfile << "# points from scan nr " << i << std::endl;

  • hexu

    hexu - 2018-04-16

    I want to get the final rotation matrix,that is to say I want rotate only one time between scans.

    • Dorit Borrmann

      Dorit Borrmann - 2018-04-16

      The rotation matrices in the .frames files are always absolute. To get the final transformation for any scan you just need to take the last line from the corresponding .frames file.

  • hexu

    hexu - 2018-04-16

    ok,thank you.


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