
Regarding download, installation and use of 3DTK

Aman Kumar
  • Aman Kumar

    Aman Kumar - 2019-04-26

    Hello everyone,

    I'm new to 3DTK and now for university work I need to use it. I tried to build project using CMAKE on windows 7 but I'm not able to do it.

    There were many warning about Boost libraries. I'm ignoring the warnings for a moment but it has 2 ERRORS.

    1st error is unable to find the below boost libraries (searilization, data_time, regex,...). Although I built libraries as per directed by and provided the path for BOOST_ROOT and INCLUDE_DIR and LIBDIR as well but still the error doesn't get resolved.

    2nd error is about BLAS libraries. I haven't yet tried to resolve this error as I'm still struggling with error 1.

    Also about which release code should I get for 3DTK, the trunk one, or release folders under branch.
    Although I tired with trunk and latest release folder inside branch and both of them gave errors which I wasn't able to resolve. Hence CMake wasn't ablut to build valid MSVC project.

    If someone can give the steps/way to download and install in chronocial order it would be of great help.

    Thanks in advance.

    • JoSch

      JoSch - 2019-04-26

      Hi Aman,

      Quoting Aman Kumar (2019-04-26 09:09:34)

      I'm new to 3DTK and now for university work I need to use it.

      interesting! Which university/department/professor is this?

      I tried to build project using CMAKE on windows 7 but I'm not able to do it.

      There were many warning about Boost libraries. I'm ignoring the warnings for
      a moment but it has 2 ERRORS.

      1st error is unable to find the below boost libraries (searilization,
      data_time, regex,...). Although I built libraries as per directed by and provided the path for BOOST_ROOT and INCLUDE_DIR and LIBDIR as
      well but still the error doesn't get resolved.

      2nd error is about BLAS libraries. I haven't yet tried to resolve this error
      as I'm still struggling with error 1.

      Also about which release code should I get for 3DTK, the trunk one, or
      release folders under branch. Although I tired with trunk and latest release
      folder inside branch and both of them gave errors which I wasn't able to
      resolve. Hence CMake wasn't ablut to build valid MSVC project.

      If someone can give the steps/way to download and install in chronocial order
      it would be of great help.

      I can give you something better than just steps. I can give you a working batch
      file that does everything for you.

      Have a look in the directory windows. There is a script called build.bat. That
      script will do everything for you. It will download all the library
      dependencies using vcpkg and it will build it using cmake and visual studio.

      3DTK builds just fine on Windows. Not only with Visual Studio but also under
      cygwin or with mingw. You can see the recent CI results here:

      Have a look into appveyor.yml to see the detailed invocations to build 3DTK on
      Windows. But basically you just have to invoke windows/build.cmd.

      You also should use the latest trunk. Older releases will not work on Windows
      as we mainly develop on Linux and Windows is just a second class citizen for
      us. Not all features work on Windows but everything works on Linux. In the
      windows/build.cmd batch file you will see which features have to be disabled on
      Windows. But the core functionalities (slam6d and show) work just fine.


      cheers, josch

  • Aman Kumar

    Aman Kumar - 2019-04-29

    Hello Josch,

    Thanks for your prompt reply. Currently I'm masters student in University of Rostock and I need 3DTK for my project in Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering (IEF).

    I already tried this process as it was mentioned in the 'Getting started..' guide. But it wasn't working and I gave up on it.

    But after your reply I tried to look into build.cmd script and then try to run it.

    After resolving few issues (like updating powershell and few more) the script was able to run but I guess with only few steps running successfully.

    It is able to download and extract it. But it fails while building vcpkg.exe with thousands of red line :-(

    So long story short I'm still struggling.

    Still seeking help.


    • JoSch

      JoSch - 2019-04-29

      Hi Aman,

      Quoting Aman Kumar (2019-04-29 15:23:59)

      Thanks for your prompt reply. Currently I'm masters student in University of
      Rostock and I need 3DTK for my project in Faculty of Computer Science and
      Electrical Engineering (IEF).

      ah cool! :)

      Feel free to tell us more about your project!

      I already tried this process as it was mentioned in the 'Getting started..'
      guide. But it wasn't working and I gave up on it.

      Unfortunately, the docs are quite outdated especially concerning Windows,
      mainly because we are all Linux users. ;)

      But after your reply I tried to look into build.cmd script and then try to
      run it.

      After resolving few issues (like updating powershell and few more) the script
      was able to run but I guess with only few steps running successfully.

      It is able to download and extract it. But it fails while building
      vcpkg.exe with thousands of red line :-(

      Maybe we can better debug this via Email than via sourceforge forums. You could
      tell us about your problems either via our mailing list:

      Or contact me directly:

      So long story short I'm still struggling.

      Still seeking help.

      If you insist on Using Windows, then there are basically three options:

      1. compiling using MSVC -- in that case vcpkg is the easiest way to acquire
        and build all the dependencies. Building all of boost, cgal, eigen3,
        freeglut, libjpeg, libpng, mpfr, openblas, opencv, opengl, openssl, pcre2,
        pthreads, python3, qt5, sqlite3, suitesparse, tiff, wxwidgets, zlib and a
        couple more that I cannot remember out of the top of my head is just too
        much hassle to do manually...

      2. compiling inside cygwin -- cygwin is a unix-like environment inside
        windows. After setting up cygwin you can build 3DTK as if it was a Linux
        application. See windows/cygwin.cmd for more information.

      3. compiling using MinGW -- MinGW is just the GNU C Compiler (GCC) which is
        able to build exe files on Windows. MinGW uses pacman as its package
        manager, so installing dependencies is also easy. See windows/mingw.cmd for
        more information.

      All three options are constantly tested on appveyor, so they all are working
      right now:


      cheers, josch


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