Activity for 3DTK - The 3D Toolkit

  • Fabian Arzberger Fabian Arzberger committed [r2402] on Code

    ros_listener: replace ofstream with file ptr, added min max dist flags for points

  • Fabian Arzberger Fabian Arzberger committed [r2401] on Code

    Better always_all_points state that will not make ImGui unresponsive. Color manager fix: Do not reset minmax when color_type panel is open.

  • Fabian Arzberger Fabian Arzberger committed [r2400] on Code

    Imshow: Now replicates show behaviour exactly. Bug fixed: Only reduced points were drawn when leaving All Points mode into no checkbox marked state.

  • Fabian Arzberger Fabian Arzberger committed [r2399] on Code

    Imshow fix: State where neither All Pts nor Always Reduce was selected did not display the very last scan index.

  • Fabian Arzberger Fabian Arzberger committed [r2398] on Code

    condense takes first scan as reference, not middle

  • Fabian Arzberger Fabian Arzberger committed [r2397] on Code

    Trajectory length skip size parameter added

  • Fabian Arzberger Fabian Arzberger committed [r2396] on Code

    ros listener looks up frame_id by itself, --skip_points added for faster bagfile re-use

  • Fabian Arzberger Fabian Arzberger committed [r2395] on Code

    ImGui color value input fixed

  • Fabian Arzberger Fabian Arzberger committed [r2394] on Code

    typo. did not compile

  • Fabian Arzberger Fabian Arzberger committed [r2393] on Code

    ImGui Spacemouse support added

  • Fabian Arzberger Fabian Arzberger committed [r2392] on Code

    ImGui Show Feature complete, Github folders removed

  • Fabian Arzberger Fabian Arzberger committed [r2391] on Code

    First imshow GUI finished. Rotate view is stil kinda bugged sometimes. Next TODO: docking

  • Fabian Arzberger Fabian Arzberger committed [r2390] on Code

    ImGui Selection Window implemented.

  • Fabian Arzberger Fabian Arzberger committed [r2389] on Code

    ImGui Selection Window first examples working

  • Fabian Arzberger Fabian Arzberger committed [r2388] on Code

    ImGui support added. Build files and demo.

  • Michael Bleier Michael Bleier committed [r2387] on Code

    Updated AprilTag to v3.3.0.

  • Sven Jörissen Sven Jörissen committed [r2386] on Code

    Equivs control file for Debian bookworm

  • Fabian Arzberger Fabian Arzberger committed [r2385] on Code

    ros_listener ignore_timestamps flag fix. Pose callback queue is cleared every LiDAR callback

  • Fabian Arzberger Fabian Arzberger committed [r2384] on Code

    ros_listener replaces bag_listener. Added support for matching and interpolating timestamps in msg headers. Orthograhpic projection of a trajectory is now drawn at it's actual location.

  • Fabian Arzberger Fabian Arzberger committed [r2383]

    Added Deadzone for Spacemouse

  • Fabian Arzberger Fabian Arzberger committed [r2382]

    Remove NaN in bag_listener for real this time

  • Fabian Arzberger Fabian Arzberger committed [r2381]

    Remove NaN in bag_listener

  • Fabian Arzberger Fabian Arzberger committed [r2380]

    Better support for 3Dconnexion mouse. Transform around camera frame when using spacemouse. Rotation around origin when using normal mouse.

  • Michael Bleier Michael Bleier committed [r2379]

    Removed dangerous redefinitions.

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r2378]

    initialize pairing mode

  • Fabian Arzberger Fabian Arzberger committed [r2377]

    Longer paths in baglistener posible now 2+

  • Fabian Arzberger Fabian Arzberger committed [r2376]

    Longer paths in baglistener posible now

  • Makita Daigo Makita Daigo posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi. I start using 3dtk to remove dynamic object from scan data. Peopleremover create a folder (pplremover) and some files ,but I didn't understand how to show dynamic-object-removal map and how to use those files. Could you give me advice? Thank you

  • Fabian Arzberger Fabian Arzberger committed [r2375]

    ROS listener write on rest mode

  • Fabian Arzberger Fabian Arzberger committed [r2374]

    Bag Listener can create directory itself

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r2373]

    fixed autoOct for scanio with data_suffix other than .3d

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r2372]

    Added option toggle off show display objects

  • Fabian Arzberger Fabian Arzberger committed [r2371]

    Generic Listener added that listens to ROS bagfiles, given names of topics and transformations. Exports directly in .3d and .pose file in UOSR format

  • Fabian Arzberger Fabian Arzberger committed [r2370]

    Bkd Unit Test Mem Violation Fix

  • Fabian Arzberger Fabian Arzberger committed [r2369]

    Condense/Atomize skip empty scans flag

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r2368]

    cleanup CMakeLists.txt

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r2367]

    Compute lenght of trajectory based on pose or frames files

  • JoSch JoSch committed [r2366]

    add .github/workflows/main.yml

  • JoSch JoSch committed [r2365]

    include/model/graphicsAlg.h: CGAL 5.3 removed deprecated Alpha_shape_euclidean_traits_2.h

  • JoSch JoSch committed [r2364]

    src/ros/ resolve ambiguous use of filesystem

  • JoSch JoSch committed [r2363]

    CMakeLists.txt: log4cxx headers require C++17 or later

  • JoSch JoSch committed [r2362]

    What the heck is the uint type??

  • Fabian Arzberger Fabian Arzberger committed [r2361]

    KDtreeIndexed fix and trailing whitespaces

  • Fabian Arzberger Fabian Arzberger committed [r2360]

    bkd updates

  • Fabian Arzberger Fabian Arzberger committed [r2359]

    condense/atomize skip on/off bool switch

  • Fabian Arzberger Fabian Arzberger committed [r2358]

    bkd multi insert

  • Fabian Arzberger Fabian Arzberger committed [r2357]

    Small planes update

  • Fabian Arzberger Fabian Arzberger committed [r2356]

    Trailing whitespaces...

  • Fabian Arzberger Fabian Arzberger committed [r2355]

    Small KDtree::CollectPts() fix

  • Fabian Arzberger Fabian Arzberger committed [r2354]

    condense/atomize supports scatter removal now

  • Simon Engel Simon Engel committed [r2353]

    add bruteforce search for slam6D and fix associated help text

  • Fabian Arzberger Fabian Arzberger committed [r2352]

    atomize flushes the buffer at the end

  • Fabian Arzberger Fabian Arzberger committed [r2351]

    atomize finished, trailing whitespaces removed

  • Fabian Arzberger Fabian Arzberger committed [r2350]

    This time really, and atomize.h added, unfinished

  • Fabian Arzberger Fabian Arzberger committed [r2349] and atomize.h added, unfinished

  • Fabian Arzberger Fabian Arzberger committed [r2348]

    only comments about consistency of rgb / color reduce. FIXME later.

  • Fabian Arzberger Fabian Arzberger committed [r2347]

    Normals Non-Threaded Added. Use when indices have to be preserved

  • Fabian Arzberger Fabian Arzberger committed [r2346]

    BKD debugged

  • Michael Bleier Michael Bleier committed [r2345]

    e57: fixed link order of libcurl.

  • Michael Bleier Michael Bleier committed [r2344]

    scanio: Do not include framereader in scanio since framereader depends on scan.

  • Fabian Arzberger Fabian Arzberger committed [r2343]

    BKD tree unit tests added (one of which still fails and i dont know why...)

  • Fabian Arzberger Fabian Arzberger committed [r2342]

    Introducing BKD-Trees.

  • Fabian Arzberger Fabian Arzberger committed [r2341]

    Bugfixes for condense. Now skips empty scanfiles. Last few scans are now flushed.

  • Fabian Arzberger Fabian Arzberger committed [r2340]

    Condense exports path now.

  • Fabian Arzberger Fabian Arzberger committed [r2339]

    Reverting these three files from fbr/panorama.

  • Fabian Arzberger Fabian Arzberger committed [r2338]

    calc_normals --exportRGB added. Is default true.

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r2337]

    Added default behaviour for -s and -e to scan_red (start at 0 and end at last available scan)

  • Emil Dumic Emil Dumic committed [r2336]

    -deleted trailing whitespaces in r2335

  • Emil Dumic Emil Dumic committed [r2335]

    -added miller projection for scan_to_panorama and panorama_to_scan

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, I'm sure, JoSch could answer most questions better than me, but I'll give it a try anyways: yes, indeed. For that kind of data you should give the voxel size in cm. Regarding the masks, there is one small thing to consider. When reading the data some filters may be apllied. You can specify a minimum range and a maximum range, for example. I think there is also a peopleremover-specific filter applied to reduce the number of misdetections. The peopleremover only considers points which are not filtered...

  • Abe Link Abe Link modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks JoSch and Dorit for replies. Quoting Dorit, The default format (uos) is in a left handed coordinate system and for the default parameters scenarios with mobile robots and data in cm are assumed So, for data which follows the data format used in Osnabrück present here (#13a) (that follows left hand rule), I should give voxel size in cm right? The other questions I have are the following: I see peopleremover creates a sub-directory named pplremover containing another sub-directory names 'masks'....

  • Abe Link Abe Link modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks JoSch and Dorit for replies. Quoting Dorit, The default format (uos) is in a left handed coordinate system and for the default parameters scenarios with mobile robots and data in cm are assumed So, for data which follows the data format used in Osnabrück present here (#13a) (that follows left hand rule), I should give voxel size in cm right? The other questions I have are the following: 1. I see peopleremover creates a sub-directory named pplremover containing another sub-directory names 'masks'....

  • Abe Link Abe Link modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks JoSch and Dorit for replies. Quoting Dorit, The default format (uos) is in a left handed coordinate system and for the default parameters scenarios with mobile robots and data in cm are assumed So, for data which follows the data format used in Osnabrück present here (#13a) (that follows left hand rule), I should give voxel size in cm right? The other questions I have are the following: 1. I see peopleremover creates a sub-directory named pplremover containing another sub-directory names 'masks'....

  • Abe Link Abe Link modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks JoSch and Dorit for replies. Quoting Dorit, The default format (uos) is in a left handed coordinate system and for the default parameters scenarios with mobile robots and data in cm are assumed So, for data which follows the data format used in Osnabrück present here (#13a) (that follows left hand rule), I should give voxel size in cm right? The other questions I have are the following: 1. I see peopleremover creates a sub-directory named pplremover containing another sub-directory names 'masks'....

  • Abe Link Abe Link modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks JoSch and Dorit for replies. Quoting Dorit, The default format (uos) is in a left handed coordinate system and for the default parameters scenarios with mobile robots and data in cm are assumed So, for data which follows the data format used in Osnabrück present here (#13a) (that follows left hand rule), I should give voxel size in cm right? The other question I have is the following: I see peopleremover creates a sub-directory named pplremover containing another sub-directory names 'masks'....

  • Abe Link Abe Link posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks JoSch and Dorit for replies. Quoting Dorit, The default format (uos) is in a left handed coordinate system and for the default parameters scenarios with mobile robots and data in cm are assumed So, for data which follows the data format used in Osnabrück present here (that follows left hand rule), I should give voxel size in cm right? The other question I have is the following: I see peopleremover creates a sub-directory named pplremover containing another sub-directory names 'masks'. scan000.mask...

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r2334]

    Some more avoiding unnecessary normal calculation for point pair search.

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r2333]

    Avoid unnecessary normal computation for point pair search.

  • Joschka van der Lucht Joschka van der Lucht committed [r2332]

    scan2scan_distances: deactivated unused code with errors for building without OpenMP

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Please note though, that there are a few important exceptions, most importantly the xyz and the rxp (proprietary format for Riegl laser scanners) format. As there are so many default parameters in all the programs in 3DTK some assumptions had to be made for those. The default format (uos) is in a left handed coordinate system and for the default parameters scenarios with mobile robots and data in cm are assumed. If your data is in a right handed coordinate system, you might want to use the xyz format....

  • JoSch JoSch posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    The unit of the voxel size parameter is the same unit your data is in.

  • Abe Link Abe Link posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, I have a few questions about peopleremover. To start with, I've one question: what are the units of the voxel-size parameter? Thanks AL

  • Joschka van der Lucht Joschka van der Lucht committed [r2331]

    detectCylinder circleDetetctor: fixed non-constant-expression cannot be narrowed from type 'RBD_COMMON::Real' (aka 'double') to 'float' in initializer list [-Wc++11-narrowing]

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r2330]

    maybe no more carriage return despite the fact that I couldn't find any before

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r2329]

    merge gone wrong

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r2328]

    Bug fix for normal calculation, needed in scan2scan distance

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r2327]

    Added tool to compute scan2scan distance

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r2326]

    removed debug output

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r2325]

    -r parameter now working in show.

  • Sarah Menninger Sarah Menninger committed [r2324]

    Bug fix typ error

  • JoSch JoSch committed [r2323]

    src/detectCylinder/ prevent narrowing from double to float in initializer list [-Wc++11-narrowing]

  • Sarah Menninger Sarah Menninger committed [r2322]

    Cylinder detection

  • Sarah Menninger Sarah Menninger committed [r2321]

    Cylinder detection

  • JoSch JoSch committed [r2320]

    please run 'make test' before committing

  • Joschka van der Lucht Joschka van der Lucht committed [r2319]

    Travis macOS: fixed broken brew script

  • Joschka van der Lucht Joschka van der Lucht committed [r2318]

    fixed naming issue in the variable related to Dorit's commit 27eb4a1bba32c20007b56fbeef9448946f78a6b1

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r2317]

    Compute distance of points in global coordinates instead of local coordinates.

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r2316]

    syntax error

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r2315]

    changed default control files to install no ROS related packages

  • Joschka van der Lucht Joschka van der Lucht committed [r2314]

    Fixed missing OpenMP::OpenMP_CXX for CMake <3.9

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