
Compiling and running

There is a newer version of this page. You can find it here.

How to compile SLAM++

Let's begin by downloading the source code. Alternately, you can get the sources from the svn:

mkdir slam
cd slam
svn checkout svn+ssh://

Build depends on your operating system. For Windows users, there is a ready-to-use Visual Studio workspace in the build folder. You need to just open it, compile and run.

For Linux, Mac or BSD you can use commandline, like this:

cd build
cmake -i ..
<CMake will now show you configuration options>

You can avoid the config options by omitting the -i switch. It is possible to use parallel build command to build faster:

make -j 8

Where 8 is the number of CPUs on your machine.

That should take care of the build. Don't use CMake for Visual Studio, there is a link conflict in Eigen, there are some files in different directories that generate the same .obj files, overwriting each other. Either download the configured workspace from SorceForge, or if you must, generate, open the workspace in Visual Studio, open Solution Explorer and in project eigen3, right-click on complex_double.cpp, go to "C++" and "Output Files", and change "Object File Name" from "$(IntDir)\" to "$(IntDir)\lapack\" (the second slash is important). Now click on the second complex_double.cpp and repeat the procedure, only put "$(IntDir)\blas\". This needs to be repeated also for complex_single.cpp, double.cpp and single.cpp.

Note that with CMake, there is no way to do multiple target x86 / x64 builds in Visual Studio.

Also, it's good to tweak optimizations in Visual Studio, you can turn "Full Optimization" on, enable link-time code generation, and importantly enable OpenMP support.

How to run SLAM++

First, you need some data to run it with. It is possible to use data from iSAM. There are the following datasets:

cityTrees10000.txt # here, there is a problem in how the landmarks are indexed

The numbers, in case you are wondering, are the numbers of vertices (variables) in each dataset and they give approximate complexity of the datasets. All those datasets are simpulated, except for Victoria Park, which was measured in the terrain. Extract those files to a data folder, which is at the same level as the build folder. Now let's say we want to see the Manhattan:

./bin/slam_plus_plus -i data/manhattanOlson3500.txt --lambda --pose-only

What does that do? We're just specifying the input file, the solver to use (the lambda solver) and finally the --pose-only flag specifies that the dataset only contains poses and optimized code path can be used. This should produce the following input (if it does not, look here):

> ./SLAM_plus_plus -i data/manhattanOlson3500.txt --lambda --pose-only
SLAM++ version x64 (compiled at Feb 14 2013)
built with the following flags:
_OPENMP (8 threads)

warning: running in batch mode. ignoring time spent in parser

=== nonlinear optimization: iter #0 ===

Cholesky rulez!
residual norm: 685.2099

=== nonlinear optimization: iter #1 ===

Cholesky rulez!
residual norm: 136.7427

=== nonlinear optimization: iter #2 ===

Cholesky rulez!
residual norm: 19.7558

=== nonlinear optimization: iter #3 ===

Cholesky rulez!
residual norm: 0.4239

=== nonlinear optimization: iter #4 ===

Cholesky rulez!
residual norm: 0.0379

done. it took 00:00:00.14192 (0.141921 sec)
solver took 5 iterations
solver spent 0.016707 seconds in parallelizable section (updating lambda)
solver spent 0.125214 seconds in serial section
out of which:
          ata: 0.000000
        gaxpy: 0.000000
         chol: 0.125118
         norm: 0.000096
        total: 0.125214
denormalized chi2 error: 136.84

If you don't want the timing breakup, use --no-detailed-timing, if you don't want the other stuff, use --silent. It also writes some output files, especially initial.tga and solution.tga. The initial.tga contains the initial prior and the solution.tga contains the optimized system:


The initial prior is on the top, the solution below. What you see is a trajectory of a robot, navigating streets of a fictional Manhattan. There is simulated sensor noise, which makes the initial prior all mixed up. We can see that the problem converged, as the solution image looks relatively ordered (the edges at the corners are caused by the robot not being able to get all the correspondences correctly, and those are already in the dataset). In case you don't want the images to be generated (e.g. for benchmarking purposes), use --no-bitmaps.

What we just did was so called batch optimization: the initial priors of the systems were calculated, and then the system was optimized at once. This doesn't always work, sometimes the initial priors are "too tangled up" and the problem can not be solved at once. Then we use incremental optimization to solve the problem in smaller batches at every step, slowly building towards the complete solution (but really fast in our implementation). For incremental mode we use:

> ./SLAM_plus_plus -i data/victoriaPark.txt --lambda --silent --nonlinear-solve-period 100
SLAM++ version x64 (compiled at Feb 14 2013)
built with the following flags:
_OPENMP (8 threads)

done. it took 00:00:02.67555 (2.675548 sec)
solver took 146 iterations
solver spent 0.392879 seconds in parallelizable section (updating lambda)
solver spent 2.282669 seconds in serial section
out of which:
          ata: 0.000000
        gaxpy: 0.000000
         chol: 2.281537
         norm: 0.001132
        total: 2.282669
denormalized chi2 error: 144.84

The --nonlinear-solve-period switch says to solve for each 100 vertices. The solution is on the following image:


Running the 3D datasets is just as easy, just use:

./bin/slam_plus_plus -i data/sphere2500.txt --lambda --pose-only

And you will get:
