


Table of showing performance of APC 8750 and Atom D410.

These are not for comparison, but just to get an idea how 8750 is doing.

Table shows output from each command timed, like:

time tar cf giblib-1.2.4.tar giblib-1.2.4

real    0m0.165s
user    0m0.020s
sys     0m0.140s


op real user sys Board
du -s giblib-1.2.4 0m0.165s 0m0.020s 0m0.140s APC
0m0.027s 0m0.003s 0m0.024s Atom
tar xf giblib-1.2.4.tar.gz 0m0.224s 0m0.100s 0m0.130s APC
0m0.074s 0m0.031s 0m0.027s Atom
du -s imlib2-1.4.6 0m0.687s 0m0.040s 0m0.650s APC
0m0.122s 0m0.012s 0m0.109s Atom
tar xf imlib2-1.4.6.tar.bz2 0m2.799s 0m2.270s 0m0.400s APC
0m0.743s 0m0.594s 0m0.116s Atom
du -s scrot-0.8 0m0.074s 0m0.010s 0m0.050s APC
0m0.014s 0m0.004s 0m0.010s Atom
tar xf scrot-0.8.tar.gz 0m0.091s 0m0.010s 0m0.080s APC
0m0.028s 0m0.009s 0m0.015s Atom
cd imlib2-1.4.6 + ./configure 1m19.304s 0m51.020s 0m22.600s APC
0m14.972s 0m7.718s 0m3.873s Atom
make 17m45.411s 16m52.900s 0m48.000s APC
2m29.289s 2m19.200s 0m7.850s Atom
cd ../giblib-1.2.4 + ./configure 1m7.161s 0m37.390s 0m26.520s APC
0m14.627s 0m5.801s 0m4.343s Atom
make 0m58.012s 0m49.540s 0m7.280s APC
0m8.957s 0m7.432s 0m1.150s Atom
cd ../scrot-0.8 + ./configure 0m15.445s 0m8.440s 0m5.650s APC
0m3.536s 0m1.386s 0m0.854s Atom
make 0m14.536s 0m13.390s 0m1.050s APC
0m2.187s 0m1.798s 0m0.189s Atom
scrot test.png 0m0.920s 0m0.860s 0m0.020s APC
0m0.434s 0m0.312s 0m0.009s Atom
scrot test.jpg 0m0.466s 0m0.380s 0m0.050s APC
0m0.165s 0m0.137s 0m0.014s Atom
tar cf giblib-1.2.4.tar giblib-1.2.4 0m0.165s 0m0.020s 0m0.140s APC
0m0.027s 0m0.003s 0m0.024s Atom
gzip giblib-1.2.4.tar 0m2.821s 0m2.660s 0m0.020s APC
0m0.385s 0m0.375s 0m0.009s Atom
gunzip giblib-1.2.4.tar.gz 0m0.290s 0m0.190s 0m0.090s APC
0m0.075s 0m0.053s 0m0.021s Atom
zip giblib-1.2.4.tar 0m2.962s 0m2.870s 0m0.080s APC
0m0.393s 0m0.385s 0m0.007s Atom
unzip 0m0.296s 0m0.170s 0m0.100s APC
0m0.065s 0m0.044s 0m0.020s Atom
bzip2 giblib-1.2.4.tar 0m4.914s 0m4.840s 0m0.060s APC
0m1.391s 0m1.378s 0m0.012s Atom
unzip2 giblib-1.2.4.tar.bz2 0m1.347s 0m1.200s 0m0.140s APC
0m0.360s 0m0.322s 0m0.037s Atom
xz giblib-1.2.4.tar 0m10.480s 0m10.230s 0m0.230s APC
0m2.947s 0m2.871s 0m0.066s Atom
unxz giblib-1.2.4.tar.xz 0m0.359s 0m0.220s 0m0.120s APC
0m0.110s 0m0.085s 0m0.024s Atom
compress giblib-1.2.4.tar 0m1.249s 0m1.130s 0m0.110s APC
0m0.245s 0m0.227s 0m0.017s Atom
uncompress giblib-1.2.4.tar.Z uncompress: corrupt input APC
0m0.102s 0m0.084s 0m0.017s Atom
tar cf imlib2-1.4.6.tar imlib2-1.4.6 0m0.687s 0m0.040s 0m0.650s APC
0m0.122s 0m0.012s 0m0.109s Atom
gzip imlib2-1.4.6.tar 0m15.970s 0m15.650s 0m0.270s APC
0m2.216s 0m2.165s 0m0.050s Atom
gunzip imlib2-1.4.6.tar.gz 0m1.303s 0m0.760s 0m0.530s APC
0m0.344s 0m0.259s 0m0.085s Atom
zip imlib2-1.4.6.tar 0m19.248s 0m17.070s 0m0.210s APC
0m2.237s 0m2.179s 0m0.056s Atom
unzip 0m1.261s 0m0.780s 0m0.460s APC
0m0.314s 0m0.226s 0m0.087s Atom
bzip2 imlib2-1.4.6.tar 0m23.564s 0m23.250s 0m0.290s APC
0m7.003s 0m6.923s 0m0.070s Atom
bunzip2 imlib2-1.4.6.tar.bz2 0m7.237s 0m6.610s 0m0.580s APC
0m1.970s 0m1.848s 0m0.120s Atom
xz imlib2-1.4.6.tar 0m58.638s 0m56.700s 0m0.630s APC
0m16.596s 0m16.447s 0m0.140s Atom
unxz imlib2-1.4.6.tar.xz 0m1.885s 0m1.230s 0m0.610s APC
0m0.655s 0m0.549s 0m0.105s Atom
compress imlib2-1.4.6.tar 0m6.713s 0m6.250s 0m0.440s APC
0m1.498s 0m1.383s 0m0.110s Atom
uncompress imlib2-1.4.6.tar.Z uncompress: corrupt input APC
0m0.538s 0m0.434s 0m0.097s Atom
tar cf scrot-0.8.tar scrot-0.8 0m0.074s 0m0.010s 0m0.050s APC
0m0.014s 0m0.004s 0m0.010s Atom
gzip scrot-0.8.tar 0m0.852s 0m0.820s 0m0.020s APC
0m0.141s 0m0.129s 0m0.011s Atom
gunzip scrot-0.8.tar.gz 0m0.158s 0m0.130s 0m0.010s APC
0m0.042s 0m0.025s 0m0.016s Atom
zip scrot-0.8.tar 0m0.954s 0m0.910s 0m0.040s APC
0m0.152s 0m0.146s 0m0.005s Atom
unzip 0m0.155s 0m0.100s 0m0.050s APC
0m0.036s 0m0.027s 0m0.008s Atom
bzip2 scrot-0.8.tar 0m1.754s 0m1.710s 0m0.040s APC
0m0.628s 0m0.615s 0m0.011s Atom
bunzip2 scrot-0.8.tar.bz2 0m0.627s 0m0.550s 0m0.070s APC
0m0.193s 0m0.180s 0m0.013s Atom
xz scrot-0.8.tar 0m3.514s 0m3.360s 0m0.130s APC
0m1.015s 0m0.987s 0m0.026s Atom
unxz scrot-0.8.tar.xz 0m0.226s 0m0.170s 0m0.060s APC
0m0.272s 0m0.099s 0m0.012s Atom
compress scrot-0.8.tar 0m0.447s 0m0.370s 0m0.070s APC
0m0.112s 0m0.100s 0m0.010s Atom
uncompress scrot-0.8.tar.Z uncompress: corrupt input APC
0m0.048s 0m0.039s 0m0.008s Atom

gnuplot script:

set logscale y
set terminal jpeg
set output "time.table.jpg"
plot "time.table.txt" using 1:2 smooth bezier title "apc real" , "" using 1:5 smooth bezier title "atom real", \
          "" using 1:3 smooth bezier title "apc user" , "" using 1:6 smooth bezier title "atom user", \
          "" using 1:4 smooth bezier title "apc sys" , "" using 1:7 smooth bezier title "atom sys"

# | du -s giblib-1.2.4                       | 0m0.165s    | 0m0.020s    | 0m0.140s  | APC  |
# | | 0m0.165s    | 0m0.020s    | 0m0.140s  | APC  |
$pattern = "\\s+([\\d]+)m([\\d]+\.[\\d]+)s\\s+";
$i = 0;
while(<>) {
        if (/\|(.+?)\|$pattern\|$pattern\|$pattern\|\s+([\S]+)\s+\|/) {
                $a1 = $2 * 60;
                $a1 += $3;
                $a2 = $4 * 60;
                $a2 += $5;
                $a3 = $6 * 60;
                $a3 += $7;
                if ( $8 eq "Atom" ) {
                        print $a1 . " " . $a2 . " " . $a3 . "\n";
                } else {
                        print $i . " " . $a1 . " " . $a2 . " " . $a3 . " ";


0 0.165 0.02 0.14 0.027 0.003 0.024
1 0.224 0.1 0.13 0.074 0.031 0.027
2 0.687 0.04 0.65 0.122 0.012 0.109
3 2.799 2.27 0.4 0.743 0.594 0.116
4 0.074 0.01 0.05 0.014 0.004 0.01
5 0.091 0.01 0.08 0.028 0.009 0.015
6 79.304 51.02 22.6 14.972 7.718 3.873
7 1065.411 1012.9 48 149.289 139.2 7.85
8 67.161 37.39 26.52 14.627 5.801 4.343
9 58.012 49.54 7.28 8.957 7.432 1.15
10 15.445 8.44 5.65 3.536 1.386 0.854
11 14.536 13.39 1.05 2.187 1.798 0.189
12 0.92 0.86 0.02 0.434 0.312 0.009
13 0.466 0.38 0.05 0.165 0.137 0.014
14 0.165 0.02 0.14 0.027 0.003 0.024
15 2.821 2.66 0.02 0.385 0.375 0.009
16 0.29 0.19 0.09 0.075 0.053 0.021
17 2.962 2.87 0.08 0.393 0.385 0.007
18 0.296 0.17 0.1 0.065 0.044 0.02
19 4.914 4.84 0.06 1.391 1.378 0.012
20 1.347 1.2 0.14 0.36 0.322 0.037
21 10.48 10.23 0.23 2.947 2.871 0.066
22 0.359 0.22 0.12 0.11 0.085 0.024
23 1.249 1.13 0.11 0.245 0.227 0.017
# 0.102 0.084 0.017
25 0.687 0.04 0.65 0.122 0.012 0.109
26 15.97 15.65 0.27 2.216 2.165 0.05
27 1.303 0.76 0.53 0.344 0.259 0.085
28 19.248 17.07 0.21 2.237 2.179 0.056
29 1.261 0.78 0.46 0.314 0.226 0.087
30 23.564 23.25 0.29 7.003 6.923 0.07
31 7.237 6.61 0.58 1.97 1.848 0.12
32 58.638 56.7 0.63 16.596 16.447 0.14
33 1.885 1.23 0.61 0.655 0.549 0.105
34 6.713 6.25 0.44 1.498 1.383 0.11
# 0.538 0.434 0.097
36 0.074 0.01 0.05 0.014 0.004 0.01
37 0.852 0.82 0.02 0.141 0.129 0.011
38 0.158 0.13 0.01 0.042 0.025 0.016
39 0.954 0.91 0.04 0.152 0.146 0.005
40 0.155 0.1 0.05 0.036 0.027 0.008
41 1.754 1.71 0.04 0.628 0.615 0.011
42 0.627 0.55 0.07 0.193 0.18 0.013
43 3.514 3.36 0.13 1.015 0.987 0.026
44 0.226 0.17 0.06 0.272 0.099 0.012
45 0.447 0.37 0.07 0.112 0.1 0.01
# 0.048 0.039 0.008