


UnixBench results

Here is some more performance data, this time from UnixBench ( downloaded from UnixBench5.1.3.tgz )

UnixBench results from APC 8750 running Slackware.
UnixBench results from D410PT with Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU D410 @ 1.66GHz

Graph ratio.

3D Graphics Benchmarks

Test Score Unit Time Iters. Baseline Index
3D graphics: gears 11.1 fps 20.1 s 2 33.4 3.3 APC
3D graphics: gears 60.0 fps 20.0 s 2 33.4 18.0 ATOM
3D Graphics Benchmarks Index Score: 3.3 APC
3D Graphics Benchmarks Index Score: 18.0 ATOM


2D Graphics Benchmarks

Test Score Unit Time Iters. Baseline Index
2D graphics: aa polygons 127.0 score 49.7 s 2 15.0 84.7 APC
2D graphics: aa polygons 329.0 score 53.6 s 2 15.0 219.4 ATOM
2D graphics: ellipses 61.2 score 53.5 s 2 15.0 40.8 APC
2D graphics: ellipses 61.0 score 52.5 s 2 15.0 40.7 ATOM
2D graphics: images and blits 21043.7 score 50.3 s 2 15.0 14029.1 APC
2D graphics: images and blits 1610.6 score 75.6 s 2 15.0 1073.8 ATOM
2D graphics: rectangles 167.5 score 48.6 s 2 15.0 111.7 APC
2D graphics: rectangles 1359.4 score 46.4 s 2 15.0 906.3 ATOM
2D graphics: text 1038.9 score 30.7 s 2 15.0 692.6 APC
2D graphics: text 34637.1 score 51.8 s 2 15.0 23091.4 ATOM
2D graphics: windows 18.7 score 55.6 s 2 15.0 12.5 APC
2D graphics: windows 213.4 score 47.7 s 2 15.0 142.3 ATOM
2D Graphics Benchmarks Index Score: 189.9 APC
2D Graphics Benchmarks Index Score: 552.7 ATOM

System Benchmarks

Test Score Unit Time Iters. Baseline Index
Dhrystone 2 using register variables 1941688.7 lps 10.1 s 7 116700.0 166.4 APC
Dhrystone 2 using register variables 3646411.9 lps 10.0 s 7 116700.0 312.5 ATOM
Double-Precision Whetstone 37.1 MWIPS 9.8 s 7 55.0 6.8 APC
Double-Precision Whetstone 879.3 MWIPS 10.2 s 7 55.0 159.9 ATOM
Execl Throughput 243.0 lps 29.6 s 2 43.0 56.5 APC
Execl Throughput 728.5 lps 29.4 s 2 43.0 169.4 ATOM
File Copy 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks 60143.4 KBps 30.0 s 2 3960.0 151.9 APC
File Copy 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks 181432.0 KBps 30.0 s 2 3960.0 458.2 ATOM
File Copy 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks 19899.5 KBps 30.0 s 2 1655.0 120.2 APC
File Copy 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks 52097.3 KBps 30.0 s 2 1655.0 314.8 ATOM
File Copy 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks 119361.8 KBps 30.0 s 2 5800.0 205.8 APC
File Copy 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks 473962.4 KBps 30.0 s 2 5800.0 817.2 ATOM
Pipe Throughput 158686.7 lps 10.1 s 7 12440.0 127.6 APC
Pipe Throughput 313636.2 lps 10.0 s 7 12440.0 252.1 ATOM
Pipe-based Context Switching 29888.9 lps 10.1 s 7 4000.0 74.7 APC
Pipe-based Context Switching 44053.1 lps 10.0 s 7 4000.0 110.1 ATOM
Process Creation 808.0 lps 30.1 s 2 126.0 64.1 APC
Process Creation 4880.3 lps 30.0 s 2 126.0 387.3 ATOM
Shell Scripts (1 concurrent) 125.5 lpm 60.2 s 2 42.4 29.6 APC
Shell Scripts (1 concurrent) 572.2 lpm 60.1 s 2 42.4 135.0 ATOM
Shell Scripts (8 concurrent) 16.6 lpm 61.4 s 2 6.0 27.7 APC
Shell Scripts (8 concurrent) 89.4 lpm 60.4 s 2 6.0 148.9 ATOM
System Call Overhead 517364.4 lps 10.1 s 7 15000.0 344.9 APC
System Call Overhead 454140.2 lps 10.0 s 7 15000.0 302.8 ATOM
System Benchmarks Index Score: 76.7 APC
System Benchmarks Index Score: 251.9 ATOM

perl script:

# | Test            | Score     | Unit  | Time      | Iters.    | Baseline  | Index  |      |
# | 2D graphics: aa polygons    | 127.0     | score     | 49.7 s    | 2      | 15.0     | 84.7    | APC  |
$pattern = "\\s+([\\d]+\.[\\d]+)\\s+";
$pattern1 = $pattern . "s" . "\\s+";
$prev = "";
if(/\|(.+?)\|$pattern\|\s([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\s+\|$pattern1\|\s+([\d]+)\s+\|$pattern\|$pattern\|\s+([A-Z]+)\s+\|/) {
if ( $1 eq $prev ) {
    # Atom
    $r = $7/$i1;
    print "\t" . $2 . "\t" . $4 . "\t" . $7.  " " ; 
    printf '%.1f', $r ; 
    print " " . $1 . "\n";
} else {
    # APC
    print $2 . "\t" . $4 . "\t" . $7. " ";
    $i1 = $7;
$prev = $1;

gnuplot commands:

set style fill solid 1.0 border lt -1
set style histogram clustered gap 2          
set terminal jpeg
set output "unixbench.jpg"
set title "UnixBench APC:Atom"
plot "data" using 7 with histogram title "ratio atom/apc"

raw data:

11.1    20.1    3.3     60.0    20.0    18.0 5.5  3D graphics: gears    
127.0   49.7    84.7    329.0   53.6    219.4 2.6  2D graphics: aa polygons     
61.2    53.5    40.8    61.0    52.5    40.7 1.0  2D graphics: ellipses     
21043.7 50.3    14029.1     1610.6  75.6    1073.8 0.1  2D graphics: images and blits 
167.5   48.6    111.7   1359.4  46.4    906.3 8.1  2D graphics: rectangles  
1038.9  30.7    692.6   34637.1 51.8    23091.4 33.3  2D graphics: text         
18.7    55.6    12.5    213.4   47.7    142.3 11.4  2D graphics: windows        
1941688.7   10.1    166.4   3646411.9   10.0    312.5 1.9  Dhrystone 2 using register variables     
37.1    9.8 6.8     879.3   10.2    159.9 23.5  Double-Precision Whetstone      
243.0   29.6    56.5    728.5   29.4    169.4 3.0  Execl Throughput             
60143.4 30.0    151.9   181432.0    30.0    458.2 3.0  File Copy 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks 
19899.5 30.0    120.2   52097.3 30.0    314.8 2.6  File Copy 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks  
119361.8    30.0    205.8   473962.4    30.0    817.2 4.0  File Copy 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks 
158686.7    10.1    127.6   313636.2    10.0    252.1 2.0  Pipe Throughput          
29888.9 10.1    74.7    44053.1 10.0    110.1 1.5  Pipe-based Context Switching         
808.0   30.1    64.1    4880.3  30.0    387.3 6.0  Process Creation             
125.5   60.2    29.6    572.2   60.1    135.0 4.6  Shell Scripts (1 concurrent)         
16.6    61.4    27.7    89.4    60.4    148.9 5.4  Shell Scripts (8 concurrent)         
517364.4    10.1    344.9   454140.2    10.0    302.8 0.9  System Call Overhead