
ski / News: Recent posts

ski 1.3.2 released

Corrected some build problems

Posted by Al Stone 2008-02-05

ski 1.3.1 released

The big change for this release is the addition of open source documentation; at the same time, there's been quite a bit of code cleanup (re-enabling the X11 version, combining libski and libskiui into a single library, and other odds and ends). The should make both the Fedora and Debian packaging easier.

Posted by Al Stone 2008-02-04

ski 1.2.6 released

xterm on x86_64 works properly now, newer versions of glibc can be used, and the most exciting bit is an experimental GTK-based interface -- try the 'gski' command when you get a chance.

Posted by Al Stone 2007-08-24

ski 1.1.3 released

The very first open source tarball for the Ski simulator has now been posted and is available for download. Thanks again to HP for making this possible!

Posted by Al Stone 2007-08-13