
SketchyLISP / News: Recent posts

SketchyLISP 2006-11-16 released

SketchyLISP is an embeddable interpreter for a purely applicative
subset of Scheme. Its implementation strives for high portability.
It is written in ANSI C (C89) and Scheme.

This release imports nestable comments and some procedures from the upcoming R6RS standard. A pretty-printer was added to the package. Large parts of the manual were rewritten for clarity.

Please see the project homepage at for
source code and documentation.

Posted by Anonymous 2006-11-16

SketchyLISP 2006-10-08 released

SketchyLISP is an embeddable interpreter for a purely applicative
subset of Scheme. Its implementation strives for high portability.
It is written in ANSI C (C89) and Scheme.

This is the first stable release that provides support for syntax
transformers (a.k.a. macros). It also includes new example programs
demonstrating how to embed logic programming idioms in Scheme.

Please see the project homepage at for
source code and documentation.

Posted by Anonymous 2006-10-09