
Simple Java Server / News: Recent posts

Simple Java Server v1.0 Released.

I'm pleased to announce the release of the Simple Java Server v1.0.

Simple Java Server is an easy to use, object-oriented system for creating daemons and other servers in Java, without needing to know anything about Java networking. It can be used to write all sorts of servers, but particularily excels when writing request-response style servers like POP3 and SMTP. It is akin to the Unix "inetd" command in that it can listen for incoming requests from any ports the system administrator specifies, with each port being controlled by one or more adapter plug-ins which manage the communications.... read more

Posted by Brad BARCLAY 2004-12-05

Simple Java Server -- Coming Soon!

Welcome to the Simple Java Server project. My name is Brad Barclay, and I developed the Simple Java Server. I'm also the Lead Developer & Project Administrator for the jSyncManager Project (, also available through SourceForge (

The SJS has been coded and tested -- it's ready for v1.0. It was developed on contract as a closed-source software project, however the company that contracted me to write it decided to violate the contract after taking posession of the code (ie: they suddenly stopped taking my calls and never paid me for the work, even though they signed off on it). As they are in contract violation, ownership of the code reverts to me, so I'm releasing it under the GPL in the hopes other people will find it useful.... read more

Posted by Brad BARCLAY 2004-12-01