
SIVP toolbox for Scilab / News: Recent posts

SIVP 0.5.3 released

This version can support Scilab 5.3 on Windows x86 and x64.

Posted by Shiqi Yu 2011-02-09

SIVP 0.5.2 released

Many users reported that SIVP 0.5.1 can not built under Windows. The problem is caused by an error in builder scripts. It has been fixed in SIVP 0.5.2. Sorry for that!

Posted by Shiqi Yu 2010-03-24

SIVP 0.5.1 released

SIVP 0.5.1 can solve some problems with Scilab 5.2. In this release, autoconf and automake scripts are removed. You can just put the files into SCI/contrib/ and then run builder.sce scripts through Scilab to build the toolbox under both Linux and Windows.

Posted by Shiqi Yu 2010-02-17

SIVP 0.5.0 released

SIVP 0.5.0 is improved greatly compared with the previous versions. Some advanced computer vision algorithms, such as face detection, eye detection, foreground detection, object tracking, have been added to this release. Besides, SIVP 0.5.0 can be used in both Scilab 4.X and the newer Scilab 5.x. Enjoy it! :-)

Posted by Shiqi Yu 2008-09-27

Welcome new developer Jia WU

Miss Wu currently is a researcher in the Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. She is working to add face detection, object tracking, background modeling and other functions to SIVP, and her work will improve SIVP greatly.

Posted by Shiqi Yu 2008-09-13

SIVP has been accepted by Debian

Good news for Debian users! SIVP has been accepted by Debian. Debian users can install SIVP by a simple command "apt-get install sivp".

Posted by Shiqi Yu 2007-10-11

SIVP 0.4.3 released

In this release, some bugs fixed, and there no great improvement. I also gave a binary release for Windows users. Because there no windows version for 0.4.1 and 0.4.2, Windows users are encouraged to update to this new release.

Posted by Shiqi Yu 2007-05-26

SIVP won second prize in Scilab Contest 2006

SIVP won second prize in Scilab Contest of China 2006 ( The reward is 1000RMB. ^-^

Posted by Shiqi Yu 2006-09-24

SIVP 0.4.1 released

The release fixed the install path error in version 0.4.0. From now SIVP will be install in path SCI/contrib/sivp-@VERSION@, and a newer version will not overwrite the older oversion.

Posted by Shiqi Yu 2006-09-12

SIVP 0.4.0 has been submitted to Scilab Contest 2006

<a href="" target="_blank">Scilab Contest 2006</a> is sponsored for Chinese students and technicians to improve the ability to study and manage Scilab. SIVP 0.4.0 has been submitted to the contest. We hope we can win a prize.(^-^) We would like to see more people know Scilab and use Scilab.

Posted by Shiqi Yu 2006-09-09

SIVP 0.4.0 released

In this new release, many new functions were added including video write functions (but video write functions are still not robust enough). Now the number of functions reaches to 46. Some critical bugs were found and fixed.

The following functions added in this new release: edge, imadd, imsubtract, immultiply, imdivide, imcomplement, imlincomb, imfinfo, imnoise, hsv2rgb, rgb2hsv, rgb2ycbcr, ycbcr2rgb, ntsc2rgb, rgb2ntsc, avifile, addframe.

Posted by Shiqi Yu 2006-09-09

Some new features added in my summer vacation

In my two-week summer vacation, I worked on SIVP. Some critical bugs were found and fixed, and the following functions added:

You are welcome to try SIVP.

Posted by Shiqi Yu 2006-08-11

SIVP 0.3.0 win32 released

Enjoy it! ^-^

Posted by Shiqi Yu 2006-07-02

SIVP 0.3.0 released

# SIVP 0.3.0 is really a new version which is more compatible with Matlab Image Processing toolbox. Some functions in previous versions but not be listed in Matlab Image Processing toolbox will be discarded. They can still be used in version 0.3.0, but not listed in man pages.

Features for version 0.3.0:

* Supported image:
channel: 1-channel (binary or grayscale image), 3-channel (RGB image)
data type: boolean, uint8, int8, uint16, int16, int32, double
* Image I/O functions: imread, imwrite
* GUI: imshow
* Video I/O, camera read functions: aviinfo, aviopen, camopen, aviclose, avicloseall, avilistopened, avireadframe
* Image type conversion: im2bw, im2uint8, im2int8, im2uint16, im2int16, im2int32, im2double, mat2gray
* Spatial transformation functions: imcrop, imresize
* Image analysis and statistics functions: mean2, corr2, std2/stdev2
* Image arithmetic functions: imabsdiff
* Linear Filtering and Transforms: imfilter, fspecial ... read more

Posted by Shiqi Yu 2006-06-23

SIVP web site redesigned

The logos and layout of the web site have been desinged. Hope all of you like it.

Posted by Shiqi Yu 2006-04-11

Recent events

We are still active on this toolbox. Sorry for not updating the web site. In the past months:

1. We won the first prize in Scilab 2005 Contest China, and INRIA Scilab Group invited one of the authors, Shiqi Yu, to Paris for one-week visit.
2. We have migrated the CVS repository over to Subversion. Now you can get the latest source code by command:
svn co sivp... read more

Posted by Shiqi Yu 2006-03-27