From: LAHAYE O. <oli...@ce...> - 2018-02-01 16:48:34
Now autoinstallscript.conf (disk layout/raid/lvm/mounts) will not be stored in <image_dir>:/etc/systemimager/autoinstallscript.conf This will allow to have the same image used for nodes with different disks. The file will be parsed and processed during install before running main install script (using xmlstarlet from within dracut logic). Partitionning code: finished raid volumes creation code: finished lvm creation code: not yet done (a matter of days) mount filesystems code: not yet done (a matter of days) Chronology should be (once network is up in the initramfs booting) - run préinstall scripts - prepare disk and mount it - run autoinstall main script - run post install scripts Not yet sure but main script may disapear and be replaced with some dracut logic (init transfert protocol, download and extract if needed the image) - user: pre install will let the user manipulate disks before it is touched and maybe do some other stuffs - dracut: disk are then processed as described in the autoinstallscript.conf (will have a better name) and mounted - dracut: transfert protocol is initialised - dracut: image is downloaded and extracted if needed - dracut: network config is setup in the image (not yet working and maybe done before postinstall? not yet decided. For now I'm using postinstall script for that) - user: postinstall scripts are run - dracut: bootloader is installed - dracut: end action (shell, reboot, wait, beep, ...) (continue boot without rebooting should even be possible if modules for running kernel (the one used for imaging) are present in the imaged disk (/sysroot/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/ is present) Cheers, -- Olivier LAHAYE CEA DRT/LIST/DIR |