
#77 RTF support


Running Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1
Pidgin 2.10.9 / SIPE 1.18.4
Not sure if a debug log will be helpful here because it's not really a bug, maybe an oversight?

I’ve got an interesting issue I’m not sure how to resolve.

I use Pidgin to get around Lync 2013’s bloated UI. I’m experiencing an issue with fonts. No matter what font I select (either using the configuration under Tools -> Preferences -> Conversations -> Font, or Tools -> Plugins -> Pidgin GTK+ Theme Control (or Conversation Colors) the display on the terminating machine (which is using Lync 2013) is a copy of the end user’s font.

Is this a known issue?

To reiterate, Pidgin’s font selection doesn’t seem to negotiate with lync properly. Pidgin displays inbound messages from me to my recipients as the recipient’s font configuration and there doesn’t appear to be a way to fix this by modifying the font.


  • Stefan Becker

    Stefan Becker - 2014-11-08

    Ticket moved from /p/sipe/bugs/271/

    Can't be converted:

    • _milestone: 1.18.x
  • Stefan Becker

    Stefan Becker - 2014-11-08

    No surprise there. Pidgin gives us HTML and SIPE extracts the plain text out of that. I.e. we only send out plain text, not RTF (Rich Text Format).

    BTW: this would be a new feature, not a bug.

    IMHO it will be unlikely that this feature will ever be implemented, because there seems to be no HTML-to-RTF converter library available. At least last time I looked for one.


    Last edit: Stefan Becker 2014-11-08
  • Stefan Becker

    Stefan Becker - 2014-11-08
    • summary: Office Communicator issue regarding font displays on terminating hosts --> RTF support
  • Stefan Becker

    Stefan Becker - 2018-11-24

    Also the reverse direction from text/rtf to HTML/plain text would be required. Currently the user just gets an error message, see discussion thread [4d3c5fecad]:

    (03:10:53) sipe: got sip:itservicedeskchat@COMPANY.COM
    (03:10:53) sipe: got message from sip:itservicedeskchat@COMPANY:COM: {\rtf1\fbidis\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\nouicompat\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Segoe UI;}{\f1\fswiss\fcharset177 Arial;}{\f2\fnil Segoe UI;}}{\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue0;}{\*\generator Riched20 15.0.4420}{\*\mmathPr\mwrapIndent1440 }\viewkind4\uc1\pard\ltrpar\cf1\outl\f0\fs20\u8235?\f1\par
    Enter 0 For SAP, myHR and IRIS issues \par
    For all non-SAP issues, select your preferred language:\par
    1 English\par
    2 Deutsch\par
    11 for all other languages\par
    \outl0\f2\ltrch\lang1033\par{\*\lyncflags rtf=1}}
    (03:10:53) sipe: got unknown mime-type 'text/rtf'


    Forums: 4d3c5fecad

  • Stefan Becker

    Stefan Becker - 2018-12-28

    A simple RTF parser has been added to SIPE which extracts plain text from RTF and transforms it to HTML. Please note that this is not a full RTF-2-HTML converter!

    Implemented in git commit c4629d99


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