
Use Case Diagram

  • Dwi Santoso

    Dwi Santoso - 2015-08-14


    Currently, I am using Astah Community edition to create UML diagrams for my projects at office. I also use StarUML and WhiteStarUML to learn deeper about software engineering because of some restriction within Astah Community edition.
    Now, I am using Sinvas UML because at a glance, it seems better then StarUML but why its use case diagrams looks different from UML specification released by OMG?
    The label or caption of Use Case of SinvasUML does not comply to OMG specs as depicted by attached image.

    Dwi Santoso


    Last edit: Dwi Santoso 2015-08-14
    • leesuji

      leesuji - 2015-08-14

      Hi, Dwi Santoso

      First of all, thank you for your interest in SINVAS UML.

      In UML 2,0 Specification, it is possible to express Notation in various forms for one UseCase.

      SINVAS UML has adopted the Iconic form as a basic Notation.
      Because, if users enter the name of UseCase inside, the size of UseCase is changed according to the length of the name. It makes the layout of diagram look messy.

      In the next version of SINVAS UML, we will improve functions to be able to express Notation differently according to the user’s choice.

      The attached figure is an excerpt of the UML 2.0 Superstructure Specification. Please refer to attched image.

      Best Regards


      Last edit: leesuji 2015-08-14
  • Dwi Santoso

    Dwi Santoso - 2015-08-14

    Thank you for the enlightment.
    Yes, the notation is specified in OMG SuperStructure 2.1.2 as you have explained.
    I am looking forward to the newest build of SinvasUML.

    Dwi Santoso


    Last edit: Dwi Santoso 2015-08-14

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