Thanks jynx for updating all those files 6 weeks ago to handle new
packet structures and encryption. You were about 4 lines of code
from a compiling, functional GPS. I've completed the modifications,
as well as (again) put in fixes to get it to compile & run on FreeBSD.
***Note: This patch is made to get SINS to run on FreeBSD, but
Non-FreeBSD users can just remove the diffs for the .m4 files and from the patch and it should work for you too! Also, you
probably don't need to use the configure line provided below.
1. FreeBSD users, install the qt3 (perhaps qt2 works, I haven't
tried), libgnugetopt, autoconf, automake, and gmake ports. Get the
latest libEQ.a and put it in /usr/local/lib
2. Grab a fresh CVS of sins
3. patch < sins121402-freebsd.diff
4. cd sins && gmake -f Makefile.dist
5. env CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib"
CXXFLAGS="-L/usr/local/lib" ./configure --with-Qt-dir=/usr/X11R6
6. gmake
patch to compile under FreeBSD with GPS functionality