
Tree [9cf00f] default tip /

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File Date Author Commit
 data 2014-11-03 Myles Barros Myles Barros [d83bbc] Removed deprecated PNGs, redundant xpi file.
 lib 2014-11-03 Myles Barros Myles Barros [e846d5] Refactored audio script tp external content scr...
 test 2014-11-01 Myles Barros Myles Barros [f09e02] Initial commit
 .hgignore 2014-11-01 Myles Barros Myles Barros [f09e02] Initial commit
 LICENSE.txt 2014-11-01 Myles Barros Myles Barros [7ae5a8] Added ReadMe.
 README.txt 2014-11-03 Myles Barros Myles Barros [9cf00f] Updated installation directions in the ReadMe.
 install.rdf 2014-11-03 Myles Barros Myles Barros [e846d5] Refactored audio script tp external content scr...
 package.json 2014-11-03 Myles Barros Myles Barros [e846d5] Refactored audio script tp external content scr...
 ss_icon48.png 2014-11-03 Myles Barros Myles Barros [e846d5] Refactored audio script tp external content scr...
 ss_icon64.png 2014-11-03 Myles Barros Myles Barros [e846d5] Refactored audio script tp external content scr...

Read Me

Singing Stallman 0.9
by Myles V. Barros

Singing Stallman is a simple Firefox extension that cleanses its users of their
closed-source urges and exorcises their proprietary sins through Richard
Stallman's Free Software Song. The add-on also offers several covers of the FSS.

## Background ##

Information about the FSS, including lyrics and a must-read history, are
available from the Free Software Foundation:

A video of Stallman performing the FSS is available on YouTube:

## Requirements ##

Singing Stallman 0.9 is compatible with  Firefox 29 and later.

It is not developed for Thunderbird and any functionality that it may or may
not provide is accidental and unintended.

## Installation ##

As Singing Stallman has not yet been released through Firefox's official
Add-On venue, it's necessary to build the extension in order to install it.
Fortunately, doing so is not terribly difficult.

Step One
Download and install the Firefox Add-On SDK, available through the Dev portal:

Step Two
Clone the Mercurial repository from Sourceforge

Step Three
cd into the project directory and run the following command:
    cfx xpi
This will output a file called "singingstallman.xpi" in the project directory,
which is great, because that's our extension.

The add-on can be installed by opening up the Firefox Add-Ons page either
through the Tools menu or by typing "about:addons" into the URL bar and
dragging the included xpi file to the Extensions section.

The add-on will be distributed through Mozilla's official Firefox distribution
portal once it reaches version 1.0. So look out for that!

## Copyright ##

This add-on is copyright 2014 Myles V. Barros. I provide it under a GPL license, as Stallman
would want, which you should have received alongside the program and this ReadMe.

I claim no copyright to the Free Software Song or to any of the performances of the song included
as part of the software. Licenses for each of the respective songs included in this add-on are
available on the Free Software FOundation's webpage for the FSS:

The icons for the add-on are based on the public domain "Che Stallman" image distributed through
Open Clipart: 
The icons are likewise released into the public domain.

## Webpage ##

Singing Stallman does not have a dedicated webpage however the project is hosted on Sourceforge: