
Wouter Daniëls

I released another version today. I refactored my three main modules: Gui, Game and UI (UI was renamed to App). I also managed to do the other things I mentioned in the post below.

Most of the time I'm just toiling away at re-factoring the code to make it more logical and readable. I'm hardly writing test-code, mostly because I don't really know how to automatically test GUI-stuff. I'm pretty happy I can release every few days or so, even though the added functionality isn't that impressive.

My next goal will be to add a game-menu, where you can adjust difficulty and mouse precision settings and find an explanation on how to play the game. This'll mean some photoshopping again, though I'd rather be coding. I hope I can attain the same quality graphics for the menu as I did for the rest of the game.

I finished the option to 'play again' after solving the puzzle. Next will be some re-factoring to properly embed this functionality in the rest of the code. I'll also put the main module in the root folder, so it'll be easier to find and re-factor both sound and settings. Then I'll make a script to automate zipping a new release and post the next release.

I've finally tracked down the source of the games poor performance in Ubuntu. Apparently the pygame event queue was being bombarded with mouse-motion events faster than I could process them. I've added a little routine to filter out all but one of the mousemotion events and now it runs as smoothly under ubuntu as it does under windows.
This release also has sound, a message when the player solves the puzzle and there's now a readme.txt that explains how the interface works.
The next release will have a 'play again' feature. So you don't have to restart the game if you want to try again.

Due to serious performance issues under ubuntu, I've decided to put all new features on hold to refactor my GUI. I've been told where premature optimization leads, but I feel I have to address this issue before I proceed. Either way, it won't hurt to have cleaner code for the gui. It'll make adding new features that much easier later.

I've released the latest version of SineTuner. It focuses mostly on increased performance. The game now also checks the victory condition: If you reach 90% accuracy, the game congratulates you on your victory via the console.
Next I'll be working on sound and a more impressive way to show the player that he/she has won.

Currently I'm working on improving performance. It works pretty well on my system in its current State, but I've had reports that it's really slow on some computers.
Right now the program calculates and plots every graph whenever any graph is updated. I plan to only recalculate the parts that have changed and store the rest in memory. Once I get this working I'll release a new version.


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