
Recent in silico study validates SPINA with SimThyr

A recently published perspective article, which was authored by an international team of contributors in the journal Frontiers in Endocrinology, reviews theoretical background and diagnostic utility of SPINA-GT, SPINA-GD and other calculated parameters of thyroid homeostasis. In addition to summarizing the results of clinical studies covering more than 10,000 subjects it reports results of computer simulations with SimThyr. The authors of this silico study post-processed the output of sensitivity analysis with SimThyr with custom R scripts to deliver a semi-deterministic Monte Carlo simulation. The results confirm earlier observations that SPINA has higher reliability than native concentrations of TSH and peripheral thyroid hormones.

The open access article is available for free from PubMed and from .

Calculated Parameters of Thyroid Homeostasis: Emerging Tools for Differential Diagnosis and Clinical Research.
Dietrich JW, Landgrafe-Mende G, Wiora E, Chatzitomaris A, Klein HH, Midgley JE, Hoermann R.
Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2016 Jun 9;7:57.
doi: 10.3389/fendo.2016.00057. PMID 27375554; PMCID PMC4899439.

Posted by Johannes W. Dietrich 2016-08-24 Labels: SimThyr SPINA in silico validation clinical applications Monte Carlo simulation

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