
SimplyVBUnit / News: Recent posts

version 4.1.6 has been released!

A couple minor enhancements and fixes.

Posted by Kelly Ethridge 2016-02-13

Version 4.1 has been released!

With this version, there are minor bug fixes and enhancements.

version 4.1.4
* Test names that include ITestCaseSource string parameters are now escaped for non-displayable characters.

version 4.1.3
* Fixed memory leak when calling Assert.

version 4.1.2
* Fixed a failing red progress bar from changing to yellow after an Assert.Ignore.

version 4.1.1
* Padded sequence number when using ITestCaseSource to keep natural numeric sorting.... read more

Posted by Kelly Ethridge 2012-11-25

SimplyVBUnit 4.0.1 Released

Version 4.0.1 has been released. This is a maintenance release which includes some minor improvements and optimizations. Focus was placed on treeview optimizations and test sorting.

Posted by Kelly Ethridge 2012-11-10

SimplyVBUnit 4.0 Released on the World!

After many years of thinking about it, SimplyVBUnit 4.0 has been realized. It offers the same great set of constraints and assertions, plus adds some. More importantly it now offers categorization of tests and test fixtures. This will help tremendously when dealing with long running tests.

This release is also a single file installer allowing for specific components to be installed.

So if you're using VB6 and not unit-testing, there is not reason not to give this a try. If you're already using SimplyVBUnit, well things can only get better, right?

Posted by Kelly Ethridge 2012-10-26

SimplyVBUnit 3.0 Released!

After a long time, SimplyVBUnit 3.0 has been released! This new version bring new power for VB6 unit testing. In this completely rebuilt version new features have been added; such as a constraint model for assertions and support for test methods with parameters!

Posted by Kelly Ethridge 2009-03-28

SimplyVBUnit Version 2.1 Released!

SimplyVBUnit has been updated to version 2.1! This version has minor GUI updates to help with managing tests and test results. A filter can be set in the GUI to handle which tests will be run during execution. Also, detailed results for a single test can be viewed.

Posted by Kelly Ethridge 2006-02-21

SimplyVBUnit Version 2.0 Released!

This is a complete rewrite from scratch of SimplyVBUnit. This new edition is composed of a UnitTesting Framework that is independant of any user interface. Along with the framework is a Visual interface that uses the new framework.

This new rewrite provides an extensive amount of functionality. New features include test filtering, sorting, test suites, more assertions, and listener callback capabilites, just to name a few. With all of these additional features, an extensive testing framework can be created to be used with complex unittesting needs!

Posted by Kelly Ethridge 2006-01-23

SimplyVBUnit Version 1.4.0 Released

With this release, SimplyVBUnit becomes even friendlier with the ability to maintain selected tests between runs and even automatically execute the selected tests. Along with maintaining state, TestCase level fixture setup/teardown capabilities have been added. Now a single setup/teardown method can be called for an entire TestCase just by defining TestFixtureSetup/TestFixtureTeardown!
Thanks goes to Peter Fitzgibbons for the majority of the updates.

Posted by Kelly Ethridge 2004-12-22

Version 1.3.3 Update!

A simple update has been added. Now you can use Assert statements directly in the Form_Load event. It is no longer required to place them in a TestCase class.

Posted by Kelly Ethridge 2004-11-24

Version 1.3.2 update!

Fixed resizing bugs.

Posted by Kelly Ethridge 2004-11-03

Version 1.3.1 Update!

Fixed a minor (major) memory leak problem.

Posted by Kelly Ethridge 2004-11-03

Version 1.3.0 Released!

Fixed a few minor bugs.
Added persitence to the tree expansion between test runs.

** This Version Breaks Compatibility **

Posted by Kelly Ethridge 2004-10-26

SimplyVBUnit bug update

  • Fixed Assert.IsError. This will break compatibilty as it requires the error object to be passed in.
  • Fixed UnitTester class. Control would break if a single test was selected to be run.
Posted by Kelly Ethridge 2004-10-20

SimplyVBUnit v1.1.3 Release

Version 1.1.3 of SimplyVBUnit has been released.
More importantly, an example of a set of unit tests from David Astels book 'test-driven development A Practical Guide' has been ported to Visual Basic 6 to be tested using SimplyVBUnit. This shows how well unit testing can be accomplished even in VB6.

Posted by Kelly Ethridge 2004-10-19