
license information not found

  • Chris Tammes

    Chris Tammes - 2009-04-03


    I installed SimplyVBUnit from SimplyVBUnitSetup.exe and tried to run the Assertions example project.
    It starts with Run-time error 35602: Key is not unique in collection. Then I get a error message "License information for this component not found. You do not have an approtriate license to use this functionality in the design environment".

    The dll is registered, so what is the problem??


    • Ben Clark-Robinson

      I installed Windows XP SP3 and this appears to have fixed the problem (I am now able to run the Sample Assertions)

    • Kelly Ethridge

      Kelly Ethridge - 2009-04-03


      There is no licensing issue. That is the crap-o error that an OCX coughs up after it errors out. Can you tell me what OS you had the error on?


    • Chris Tammes

      Chris Tammes - 2009-04-08


      I got this error on XP Pro. Later I tried to run the test project at home (XP Home) and sometimes it starts, sometimes it doesn't.
      Maybe it has something to do with errors in code; I even lost the control from the form one time.


    • Ben Clark-Robinson

      I have a similar problem on Windows XP Pro. I'd love to find a solution to it. Here's a little Info

      Fresh Windows XP SP2 in a Virtual Machine (Vmware Player or Workstation) (will upgrade to SP3 to see if there's anything different).

      If I try the Sample Assertions I will get a RTE 5, then I too get the License error, then as VB errors the UIRunner1 control will be dropped from the Form.

      So I downloaded the source code, and I am successfully able to compile from source. And I do not get RTEs or license issues. When I load the RunnerUI VBP by itself and reference the DLLs and OCXs directly I see the same issues.

      I thought I would be able to track it down through source.

      Also I didn't have MSXML 6 installed, which is required to build (and I assume required to run SimplyVBUnit?)

      I've recently installed and used SimplyVBUnit on Vista with no issues.

  • wtheronjones

    wtheronjones - 2009-12-01

    I found that uninstalling & reinstalling SimplyVBUnit will fix this.

    One way to reproduce this is to run your test project in the debugger.
    Hit a breakpoint in one of your test cases, then stop/kill the app in the
    SimplyVBUnit will continue to execute the rest of the tests & & you may see
    some assorted message boxes.
    if you save the project after this, you will get the error about licensing &
    it'll delete the control from the form.
    If you close the project w/out saving, you can run it normally again.

    If it does get hosed, uninstalling/reinstalling gets it going again.

    Moral of the story: do not hit the Stop button when running the test harness
    in the debugger.

  • Andy Creigh

    Andy Creigh - 2016-05-17

    Hi all,

    I'm getting this issue too. After having everything working ok for a few days the error has started appearing.

    The UIRunner control disappears from the test runner form and can't be re-added - "License information for this component not found. You do not have an appropriate license to use this functionality in the design environment."

    FYI I tried the following but the problem is still happening
    ○ Reviewed Sourceforge Discussion for solutions.
    ○ Messaged author of solution via Sourceforge.
    ○ Remove and re-add frmTestRunner - didn't work.
    ○ Uninstall and re-install - didn't work. Re-register the ocx - regsvr32 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\SimplyVbUnit.Component.ocx - didn't work.
    ○ Install/re-install VB6 service pack 6 from \cts\it\Installs\MICROSOFT OFFICE AND OTHER\Visual Studio 6.0

    I'm on Windows 7 Pro, any suggestions?



    Last edit: Andy Creigh 2016-05-18
  • eiredrake

    eiredrake - 2017-03-09

    I realize this is a very old post but I just came across this exact problem myself.

    it turns out that in my case at least one of my classes was doing something stupid which was causing some weird happenings behind the scenes. To discover the problem I did some Stricklin debugging: basically comment out everything until it works, then uncomment line by line until you figure out where your problem is.

    In my case in my destructor (class Class_Terminate) I was NEWing an object instead of setting it to nothing.

    This caused visual basic to go wild even to the point where it was crashing the IDE. So don't do that. Very bad.

    Anyway fixing that error seems to have fixed the problem with the imaginary missing license.

    I hope this helps!


  • eiredrake

    eiredrake - 2017-03-09

    Tinkering with this, I was able to delete my VBG file and create a new one and then add in all of my existing projects.

    and the problem went away. I can now access my unit tests from within my existing project.

    I assume what happened was when my terminator tried to create a new object and crashed VB6's IDE, the project file got corrupted just enough that while the IDE could load it something that the SimplyUnitTest control was relying on got messed up so that it could not be loaded.

    Deleting the group file and recreating it seemed to clear things up for me.

    Hope this helps someone



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