
SimpleIrc / News: Recent posts

Added preliminary globalization support and installer

I have added preliminary globalization support (translations only available in English (default) and Spanish, at this moment) to the SimplIRC Client Library.

I also have added an installer projects. Now you can install the SimplIRC Client Library source code along with compiled binaries as another Windows application

Posted by Daniel R. G. 2005-01-23

Currently re-writing the SimplIRC Client Library code:

As part of "Review and correct Pre-alpha code" task, I am currently re-writting SimplIRC Client Library code.

Most of the changes relate only to minor coding style/naming modifications: to improve readability and comply with common coding styles.

For an example, expect the items:

IRCSessionEventDataRowList,... read more

Posted by Daniel R. G. 2005-01-06

This should be read by new developers/collaborators:

New developers/collaborators should know the following notes:

My objectives for SimplIRC are:

- SimplIRC Client Library (current development): almost done, only a small DCC part remains.

- A full client using the code library with support for multisession chat and plugins.

- New plugins for: on-line board games (chess...), supporting other chat systems (msn messenger) so users across several platforms can interact with each other, etc.... read more

Posted by Daniel R. G. 2005-01-06

Added DCC CHAT support to SimplIRC Client Library

I have added DCC CHAT support to SimplIRC Client Library.

Full support for DCC File transfers coming very soon...

Posted by Daniel R. G. 2004-12-29

"SimplIRC Client Library" now only available at "SimplIRC"

I have requested deletion of the "mother" project for SimplIRC: "SimplIRC Client Library" (unix name: drg01-ircclient). As the SimplIRC Client Library is now part of the global SimplIRC project.

I think it is a more rational approach. Also, the unix name for the global project (SimplIRC) better reflects its contents.

Posted by Daniel R. G. 2004-12-24

SimplIRC project modified

SimplIRC is a new project in SourceForge based on a previous one called SimplIRC Client Library.

SimplIRC will contains several chat-related tools:

- SimplIRC Client Library: the original project and now set as a subproject within SimplIRC. It is the basis for most of future tools in SimplIRC: an IRC client library which implements full functionality for implementing third-party clients. Recommended for developers.... read more

Posted by Daniel R. G. 2004-12-17