


Welcome !

For complete documentation on 'Simple Web Chat' please go through files under '/docs/' folder which is along with the source code.

There are few things as mentioned below that you need to take care for setup and integration :

1) Make sure that certain directories have proper permission as mentioned in the documentation.

2) Make sure that you are able to send email from the system, simplest way is to configure SMTP details in 'classes/class.Mail.php' file.

3) By default this chat application will store all the data in files and if you want to store all message into database you need to write db import code in 'crons/loadmessages.php' and set it as cron job.
Code to read messages from files is already written in this file but you need to write db insert query.

4) Also if you need to sync your users from database with this chat you need to create/update/delete files located at 'files/un' directory in the same JSON structure (refer: files/un/sample.txt) whenever you add/edit/delete a user from db through the user management module of your application which connects to db.

You can skip point#3 & #4 if you don't want to sync with database and flat files are fine for your usage.

Above things you will need to do based level of integration that may be required but for more details it would be better if you go through documentation.

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