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File Date Author Commit
 Simple Spambot 2014-09-13 Revan114 Revan114 [8b9f91] Simple_Spambot.cs - Added Comments
 .gitattributes 2014-08-10 revan oneonefour revan oneonefour [c9a1ca] :space_invader: Added .gitattributes & .gitigno...
 .gitignore 2014-08-10 revan oneonefour revan oneonefour [c9a1ca] :space_invader: Added .gitattributes & .gitigno... 2014-09-11 Revan114 Revan114 [c02e49] Simple-Spambot Readme + Download Links
 Simple Spambot.sln 2014-08-10 revan oneonefour revan oneonefour [273aa2] Simple Spambot

Read Me

Simple-Spambot Readme

A Spambot made in C#

So I made this Spambot after a friend of mine made me aware of the fact he was using a poorly made piece of garbage
average script kiddie spambot to mess me with me over Skype. I have made garbage spambots similar to the one he was
using before, but I decided to go ahead and make him one better than the one he was using.

Hence why the name is called Simple Spambot. But what I didn't count on was the fact I would never be content with
the simplicity of it, it was literally just a boring form with a textbox to enter the message, and a begin and stop button.

It literally was no different from the other ones.

So, I decided to go and overhaul the Hell out of it over the course of like a week.


*Interval Textbox(Lets you set how fast the timer which sends the messages ticks)

*Amount Textbox(Lets you set how many messages are to be sent)

Messages Remaining Label(A label which tells you how many messages are to be sent before the spamming stops. Duh.)
Status Label(Text changes to 'Spamming' if spamming, 'Standby' if waiting for the user to press begin, an 'Exception if
an exception occurs.)

*A 5 second delay after pressing 'begin', to give the user enough time to select the place he wants to spam, along with a countdown label telling the user how much time they have before it begins.

*When the bot is spamming, all of the textboxes' colors become a darker shade of blue(heh, inside jokes)and they become

*An about button

*A help button which explains how to use the program.

*Cool looking background :D

So yeah. I've tried to make it different from the dumb average hackforum skiddie spambot.

inb4 copy and paste the sourcecode


=--Download the Exe--=

Mediafire(updated 1.11):
DropBox(updated 1.11):