
Simple NFO / News: Recent posts

Knobend NFO is now Simple NFO

I changed the name of the program to Simple NFO. There are huge improvements to the program including:

1. Better interface

2. Search/replace functions

3. File associations with odd extensions with the front end (please be aware you need to be careful with this feature because this program cannot change the associations back, and if you happen to associate files other than plain ext and crashes your computer, do not complain to me. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!)... read more

Posted by linuxguy99 2007-07-09

Total re-write in progress

When looking at the program again and talking to some people, the program is a total mess. I am in the process of re-writing the program from the ground up. It is simple enough to warrant that, and since it is a plain text editor with demos found all over the place with some extra features added in, it should not be that hard.

I also plan to strip the association with files until I know what the heck I am doing.... read more

Posted by linuxguy99 2006-12-23

Sorry for no updates, patches, fixes or updates

I apologize for the lack of updates, patches, bug fixes and whatnot. There are so many problems with this thing (including the association of files with the program, drag n drop in to the controls and others, but those are the biggest), I would not consider this program even beta status.

Thus, accept my apologies once more, and I will start fixing the problems as soon as I can. Lastly, the site the program was going to be associated with has been defunct for sometime, so there is really no "homepage" for it. I may make something.... read more

Posted by linuxguy99 2006-12-22

New homepage coming soon...

I have decided to take down the forums at and replace it with a blog. vBulletin was waaay too much software dor something this small, so I decided to replace it with something a little more useful for you guys.

Developments with other software will be posted there, and all the docs, screenshots, bugs and features will be there. I hope this will prove useful for you folks, so keep your eyes peeled.... read more

Posted by linuxguy99 2006-02-03

1.3.1 is pushed back to beta

Some bugs have been found and now the editor is now pushed back to beta status. Once the bugs have been resolved,we wil upload the fixed source and executable.

We are sorry for the problems.

Also some more features are getting added, which may mean more bugs...

Posted by linuxguy99 2006-02-01

Version 1.3.1 is here!

The latest additions to the Knobend NFO/DIZ editor is here, and is a little better than before. Some changes include:

1. Handling plain text files

2. Asscociating NFO,DIZ or plain text

3. Some minor bugs fixed such as the "stay on top" for the main form

4. Cleaned up some code

This is an exciting time for this editor and is becoming more and more useful each day. Make sure you grab the latest version, and I hope you enjoy it.... read more

Posted by linuxguy99 2006-02-01

Knobend 1.3.0 is here

The Knobend NFO Viewer and Editor is ready for download and has added features that make the program even better!


Highlight text goes directly to clipboard on the TMemo control.

The main form can "stay on top" and this can be toggled from the options menu.

Streamlined code


Typos fixed, and some bugs fixed

This program is very useful, and we hope you enjoy this new release from and!

Posted by linuxguy99 2006-01-27

New version on the way!

The Knobend NFO Editor is ready for a new version with new features already added. This is an exciting time, because this is becoming a viewer/editor very closely resembling the DAMN NFO Viewer. We are very proud of the features getting added.

Documentation is also getting compiled, and while this program is very simple, docs are still very important.

If you have any questions, want to report bugs or help with this project, please let us know in the public forums or go to (in the Crappy Apps forum) or (In the Delphi forums).... read more

Posted by linuxguy99 2006-01-27

The initial release of the Knobend NFO editor is here

After two years of on and off development, this program is available for the public to download and use. I am really excited about this program, and I hope you all enjoy it.

I am always interested in suggestions, and ^sWift from Unerror IERC already made some good suggestions inclusing automatic hughlight/copy functions, making the TMmemo font to be smaller etc.

Thanks for all the suggestions, and look forward to more. Thank you for your interest in this project.

Posted by linuxguy99 2006-01-25