
#180 Quoted emails often remove blank lines between paragraphs


When I reply to an email, the quoted text is very often missing the blank lines between paragraphs, which makes large paragraphs almost unreadable. For example, the following email body:

Hello world.

This is a quick test.

Becomes this:

Hello world.
This is a quick test.

I seem to spend my time adding-back blank lines to quoted text, which is very annoying. SimpleMail USED to not have this problem, but it was some years ago. (Sorry for not reporting sooner. Yes I suck.)

I'm not sure exactly what circumstances this occurs under, but it DID happen when I replied to a non-html email that I sent. And when I did "Show Raw...", and I saw that the blank lines (that would be removed) were 0x0A characters (as probably expected for something created by SimpleMail).


  • Eldee Stephens

    Eldee Stephens - 2018-06-06

    i can confirm this occurs when replying in plain-text mode as well with version 0.44.

  • Eldee Stephens

    Eldee Stephens - 2019-01-04

    this still occurs in version 0.45. :-(


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