Activity for SimpleMail

  • Steve Steve posted a comment on ticket #183

    Ok, I must have forgotten to reboot between installing 4.2 and 4.3 as the installer deleted the old certificates automatically when I tried again. However this did not fix my issue with SimpleMail crashing with IMAP so I guess there's something else at play here :( Anyway at last YAM and IBrowse still work properly so all is not lost.

  • Steve Steve modified a comment on ticket #183

    So I decided to have a go at this seeing as how SimpleMail may not be dead. However I'm unsure what to choose when installing AmiSSL 4.3 over the top of 4.2. It detects it's there which is fine but then after installing a few libraries it then says "you already have a newer version of AmiSSL installed" (I don't - it's got 4.2 on it!) and recommends I keep the (allegedly newer) installed certificates? I did delete the entire AmiSSL folder and the entries in user-startup before installing 4.2 and rebooted....

  • Steve Steve posted a comment on ticket #183

    So I decided to have a go at this seeing as how SimpleMail may not be dead. However I'm unsure what to choose when installing 4.3 over the top of 4.2. It detects it's there which is fine but then after installing a few libraries it then says "you already have a newer version of AmiSSL installed" (I don't - it's got 4.2 on it!) and recommends I keep the (allegedly newer) installed certificates? I did delete the entire AmiSSL folder and the entries in user-startup before installing 4.2. Confused!

  • trekman trekman posted a comment on ticket #183

    From my point of view it needs to be adapted to the latest AmiSSL version (4.9 today) That seems to be a big problem somehow even at start of simplemail. Once done we could adress to other problems when there. :-)

  • Sebastian Bauer Sebastian Bauer posted a comment on ticket #183

    The project has not been abandoned in general, only on this site. Please use for Issues and discussions. Granted, it is in a longer hibernate mode there too, due to time constraints. But if I would have a clear step to step instruction how to reproduce the problem, perferably on emulated 68k for the time being, with minimal doing from my side except the coding, I could take a look at it.

  • Steve Steve posted a comment on ticket #183

    That's a real shame. I think at the back of my mind I kind of suspected something was up but kept hoping I was wrong. There had been regular small annual updates for several years but then it just went quiet after v.45. I didn't know it was officially dead though :( In that case I guess it's kind of pointless getting it working anyway as I'd just be setting up to fail again next time something else is updated and breaks it. At least YAM development is still active, for the time being at least. I...

  • trekman trekman posted a comment on ticket #183

    Hey Steve, the only way it worked for me was to do the following : uninstall AmiSSL completely. (Delete the AmiSSL folder and the entrys in user-startup) Restart the computer. Then do a fresh install of AmiSSL4.2. Reboot the computer. Then install AmiSSL4.3 over AmiSSL4.2. (with the installer you can choose this option). Reboot computer. Then install AmiSSL4.7 over the 4.2/4.3 installation. Reboot computer. This should help running simplemail , yam and Ibrowse simultaniously. At least it worked for...

  • Steve Steve modified a comment on ticket #183

    Hi Trekman, I find myself in the same boat as you with SimpleMail crashing every time I try to configure IMAP/SSL. I'm using AmiSSL 4.8. I read your posts and downloaded the older versions of AmiSSL and installed them too but it didn't help. How exactly did you manage to get the old versions of AmiSSL installed in such a way as to fix it? I have IBrowse 2.5.3 and YAM 2.10 (03/21 build) working fine. This is running on WB3.1.4. A1200/030. Any pointers would be most welcome!

  • Steve Steve posted a comment on ticket #183

    Hi Trekman, I find myself in the same boat as you with SimpleMail crashing every time I try to configure IMAP/SSL. I'm using AmiSSL 4.8. I read you posts and downloaded the older versions and installed them too but it didn't help. How exactly did you manage to get the old versions of AmiSSL installed in such a way as to fix it? I have IBrowse 2.5.3 and YAM 2.10 (03/21 build) working fine. This is running on WB3.1.4. A1200/030. Any pointers would be most welcome!

  • trekman trekman posted a comment on ticket #183

    ok...tried some things...the workaround is to install AmiSSL4.2 then AmiSSL4.3 over it and then finally (at the time being) install AmiSSL4.7 over all that. So I can use SimpleMail, IBrowse and even YAM (which woŕks only up to AmiSSL4.3 with the latest developer build, 2.10) until today. The crash at exit (so I do think) may be a problem with the filesystem as described above.

  • trekman trekman modified a comment on ticket #183

    hmm...I got it running. What I did was to change the filesystem of the partition from pfs3 to sfs (v1279) and changed the dir name from "work:dfü/simplemail" to "work:net/simplemail". Maybe the "ü" character is not optimal here. I also went back from AmiSSL 4.7 to AmiSSL 4.2 as this seems to solve a crash when testing IMAP Accounts. From AmiSSL 4.3 on up Simple Mail has intense Problems and goes to crash. Its a pity :( since IBrowse (v.2.5.3) wants at least AmiSSL 4.4 at the time being.

  • trekman trekman modified a comment on ticket #183

    hmm...I got it running. What I did was to change the filesystem of the partition from pfs3 to sfs (v1279) and changed the dir name from "work:dfü/simplemail" to "work:net/simplemail". I also went back from AmiSSL 4.7 to AmiSSL 4.2 as this seems to solve a crash when testing IMAP Account. From AmiSSL 4.3 on up Simple Mail has intense Problems and goes to crash. Its a pity :( since IBrowse (v.2.5.3) wants at least AmiSSL 4.4 at the time beeing.

  • trekman trekman posted a comment on ticket #183

    hmm...I got it running. What I did was to change the filesystem of the partition from pfs3 to sfs (v1279) and changed the dir name from "work:dfü/simplemail" to "work:net/simplemail". I also went back from AmiSSL 4.7 to AmiSSL 4.2 as this seems to solve a crash when testing IMAP Account.

  • trekman trekman posted a comment on ticket #183

    I can confirm this bug. Im on a A4000T/060 AOS3.9. When I check "Clean Delete-Folder at exit" in config and then exit simplemail (V0.45) it crashes with a guru (8000000B). When I uncheck it in config simplemail does not crash at exit.

  • Kevin Taddeucci Kevin Taddeucci posted a comment on ticket #182

    This is the bug that keeps me from updating to the latest .45 version. I'm stuck at using .42 version because that appears to be when this bug was introduced. I know several other people in the same situation.

  • Chris Handley Chris Handley created ticket #183

    Crash on exit

  • Eldee Stephens Eldee Stephens posted a comment on ticket #179

    this seems to have been fixes in version 0.45! :-)

  • Eldee Stephens Eldee Stephens posted a comment on ticket #180

    this still occurs in version 0.45. :-(

  • Eldee Stephens Eldee Stephens posted a comment on ticket #182

    this bug still exists in version 0.45. :-(

  • SimpleMail SimpleMail released /simplemail/simplemail-0.45/simplemail-0.45-os4.lha

  • SimpleMail SimpleMail released /simplemail/simplemail-0.45/simplemail-0.45-os3.lha

  • Eldee Stephens Eldee Stephens created ticket #182

    Saving changes to address book results in ISI

  • Eldee Stephens Eldee Stephens posted a comment on ticket #179

    i would also vote for this behavior to be changed. every time i reply, i have to delete my email address from the receipient list, which is rather frustrating.

  • Eldee Stephens Eldee Stephens posted a comment on ticket #174

    this DSI has existed for years and has never been fixed. one can proceed by 'ignoring DSIs' but it should eventually be addressed. :-)

  • Eldee Stephens Eldee Stephens posted a comment on ticket #180

    i can confirm this occurs when replying in plain-text mode as well with version 0.44.

  • SimpleMail SimpleMail released /simplemail/simplemail-0.44/simplemail-0.44-openssl-morphos.lha

  • SimpleMail SimpleMail released /simplemail/simplemail-0.44/simplemail-0.44-openssl-os4.lha

  • SimpleMail SimpleMail released /simplemail/simplemail-0.44/simplemail-0.44-os4.lha

  • SimpleMail SimpleMail released /simplemail/simplemail-0.44/simplemail-0.44-openssl-os4.lha

  • SimpleMail SimpleMail released /simplemail/simplemail-0.44/simplemail-0.44-os3.lha

  • SimpleMail SimpleMail released /simplemail/simplemail-0.44/simplemail-0.44-os4.lha

  • SimpleMail SimpleMail released /simplemail/simplemail-0.43/simplemail-0.43-os4.lha

  • SimpleMail SimpleMail released /simplemail/simplemail-0.43/simplemail-0.43-openssl-os4.lha

  • SimpleMail SimpleMail released /simplemail/simplemail-0.43/simplemail-0.43-os3.lha

  • Chris Handley Chris Handley posted a comment on ticket #177

    OK, the problem did resurface (took maybe a week). Seems like GMail changes which...

  • Chris Handley Chris Handley created ticket #181

    Opening a folder containing 5000+ emails is quite slow... Option to limit number visible?

  • Chris Handley Chris Handley created ticket #180

    Quoted emails often remove blank lines between paragraphs

  • Chris Handley Chris Handley created ticket #179

    Reply-to-all should exclude my own email address!

  • Chris Handley Chris Handley posted a comment on ticket #177

    I don't know why, but this MAY not be a problem after all. At least, I saved the...

  • Chris Handley Chris Handley posted a comment on ticket #178

    "SimpleMail if fetching emails" should have been "SimpleMail is fetching emails"...

  • Chris Handley Chris Handley created ticket #178

    Fetching emails keeps stealing window focus, making impossible to write emails

  • Chris Handley Chris Handley posted a comment on ticket #177

    I wrote: Telling it to remember the new fingerprint doesn't seem to make any difference...

  • Chris Handley Chris Handley created ticket #177

    Fingerprint mismatch always reported :(

  • Chris Handley Chris Handley created ticket #207

    Save folder stats after Fetching emails (not just when Quitting)

  • SimpleMail SimpleMail released /simplemail/simplemail-0.42/simplemail-0.42-openssl-morphos.lha

  • SimpleMail SimpleMail released /simplemail/simplemail-0.42/simplemail-0.42-os3.lha

  • SimpleMail SimpleMail released /simplemail/simplemail-0.42/simplemail-0.42-os4.lha

  • SimpleMail SimpleMail released /simplemail/simplemail-0.42/simplemail-0.42-openssl-os4.lha

  • Tygre Tygre created ticket #176

    Changing folder path in configuration does not change the path of the "incoming", "outgoing", and similar folders

  • SimpleMail SimpleMail released /simplemail/simplemail-0.41/simplemail-0.41-openssl-os4.lha

  • SimpleMail SimpleMail released /simplemail/simplemail-0.41/simplemail-0.41-os4.lha

  • SimpleMail SimpleMail released /simplemail/simplemail-0.41/simplemail-0.41-os3.lha

  • gtmooya gtmooya created ticket #175

    GrimReaper on exit when using IMAP

  • Daniel Hutchinson Daniel Hutchinson created ticket #174

    GrimReaper when attempting to setup filters

  • Chris Handley Chris Handley created ticket #173

    SimpleMail SSL weaknesses (Man in the Middle & encryption trivial to break)

  • tekmage tekmage created ticket #172

    MUI warning when fetching mail