

To make the program work, is necessary to create and run a SQL database, with the following commands:
(Sorry about this way to do it)

create table `Biblioteca`.Libro
    id INT not null primary key,
    titulo VARCHAR(50) not null,
    nombreAutor VARCHAR(50) default 'Desconocido' not null,
    apellidoAutor VARCHAR(50),
    isbn VARCHAR(25),
    editorial VARCHAR(50) default 'Desconocida' not null,
    copias INT default 1 not null,
    prestados INT default 0,
    tomo INT,
    tematica VARCHAR(50) not null

create table `Biblioteca`.Prestamo
    idPrestatario VARCHAR(20) not null primary key,
    idLibro INT not null primary key,
    fechaInicio DATE not null primary key,
    fechaFin DATE not null

create table `Biblioteca`.Prestatario
    cedula VARCHAR(20) not null primary key,
    nombre VARCHAR(50) not null,
    apellido VARCHAR(50) not null,
    telefono VARCHAR(10) not null,
    telefono2 VARCHAR(10),
    fNacimiento DATE not null,
    Sexo CHAR(1) not null

create table `Biblioteca`.Usuario
    nombre VARCHAR(50) not null,
    apellido VARCHAR(50) not null,
    nick VARCHAR(20) not null primary key,
    pass VARCHAR(20) not null

By running this database the program would work with no problems


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