
Switching from static to dynamic doesn't delete old gateway

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-06-25

    How to reproduce
    Create a static profile with gateway
    Assuming you have a DHCP server which assigns the gateway as
    Now when you shift to DHCP you get assigned the new gateway but the old default gateway doesn't get deleted.

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2012-07-10

      I am having the same problem with the gateway. The gateway does not get reset on windows 7. I have not tried this problem on other versions of Windows.

  • Kurtis Liggett

    Kurtis Liggett - 2012-08-07

    This is a known issue for Windows Vista and Windows 7, but it has been at the bottom of my list because no one complained about it.

    I will look into it to try to find some possible solutions.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-08-08

    Hi Kurtis,
    Love your program. I'm also experiencing the same issue, where the static gateway that was previously configured is not deleted after setting the interface back to DHCP. I'm using Windows 7 as well. When I do an ipconfig after the bug has occurred, Windows shows both the correct gateway address and the previously configured gateway address - I think your program needs to tell windows to delete the current gateway address before it issues the DHCP request in order to fix the bug.

  • Kurtis Liggett

    Kurtis Liggett - 2012-08-08

    Hello everyone,
    I uploaded a new version, which can be found here.

    This version has some updates that I have been meaning to upload for a while now. I just added a fix to clear the default gateway before switching to DHCP.
    Hopefully I can get some feedback to make sure it is working correctly.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-08-10

    Thanks Kurtis. Will report how the new version works.



  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-08-10

    Hi Kurtis,
    Just tested the new version 2.31 beta 1 (I was the guy who suggested deleting the gateway before issuing a DHCP request). I can confirm the bug is fixed by following the above steps - well done :)

    There is another bug I can see with this beta - if you repeatedly double click on a profile with a static IP address, the program starts to make copies of the profile. When you click on the copies, the program throws error code 52 (problem reading values from the config file)

    I know this isn't the right place, but may I make a couple of suggestions to really polish off the program - 1) double click on a profile to activate it instead of copying it (make copy profile a right click option unless the copy is actually a bug), and 2) a minimise to tray window option, instead of having to press ctrl+t.


    Last edit: Anonymous 2012-08-10
  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-08-15

    Sorry for the delayed response, I must have looked right over the notificataion that you had responded.

    Good to hear the gateway was fixed.
    The minimize to tray option is a good idea. I will put that in right away.

    The double-click bug is very strange. When I try double-clicking on a profile, it tries to rearrange them, but the order stays the same. It never copies the profile.

    I think I uploaded a badly formatted profiles.ini file. I don't think this was the issue, but you can try using the file attached to this message just to make sure.

    If you can reply to this message and attach your profiles.ini file or just paste the contents, it would help me determine if/where the formatting got messed up.


    Edit: Forgot to sign in... this is Kurtis by the way.


    Last edit: Kurtis Liggett 2012-08-15
  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-08-17

    Hi Kurtis,
    I tried your updated ini file and I now know what the bug is. If the profile name has open and close brackets in it, eg (Work) and you keep double clicking on it, there will be multiple instances of the profile created. These "copies" will have corrupt information in them and it screws up the ini file. Good luck with this bug :P


    Last edit: Anonymous 2012-08-17
  • Kurtis Liggett

    Kurtis Liggett - 2012-08-22

    Thanks for the additional information. I was able to repeat the behavior you are talking about by using parentheses in the name. You were right, there appears to be certain special characters that completely screw up the file operations. I know of at least 2, "(" and "*".

    As a temporary solution, I blocked double-clicking on a profile. The profile should load fine and seems to be ok until you try to rearrange the order of the profiles.
    I know this might not be the solution you had hoped for, but hopefully it will hold you over. I am looking into other possibilities, such as using .xml files instead of .ini files.

    On the positive side, I was able to include the minimize to tray option you had requested! The new version can be found HERE. Your existing profile should work just fine. The new options will be added automatically.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-09-06

    Hey Kurtis,
    Love the minimize to tray - its awesome! Yeah you are right about dragging profiles with brackets, I can reproduce that too. Nonetheless, I think this is good for a proper release version for now.

  • Kurtis Liggett

    Kurtis Liggett - 2012-09-07

    Thanks for the feedback!

    Unfortunately, I went on a crazy rampage and started changing more and more things. It looks like I am going to skp the 2.3.1 release and go straight to 2.3.2 because I really want everyone to be able to use the new features / revisions.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-11-12

    Hi Kurtis,
    When can we expect a new release with the new features and fixes? It's been a couple of months now, cheers.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2013-09-02


  • Kurtis Liggett

    Kurtis Liggett - 2013-09-03

    I know it has been a very long time since the last update, but I have been making a lot of huge changes lately. Everything has been reworked to be faster and more efficient. I think everyone will appreciate the interface changes that make the program more modern and less bland. A screenshot of the progress is attached to this post.


    Last edit: Kurtis Liggett 2013-09-03
  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2013-11-06

    waiting for the new version.



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