
Simple Box CMS (dead) / News: Recent posts

Version 1.1 released

Version 1.1 adds config file management and lots of code fixes. In a nutshell, Simple Box CMS helps you add CMS ability to a snippet (or a box, or a
container) on any page in your existing site. It does this by leveraging INCLUDES (standard SSI or php). Simple Box CMS manages the snippets and lets you create them and edit them in a wysiwyg container. It's perl and javascript. Have fun.

Posted by Ken 2008-01-22

Version 1.01 Simple Box CMS released

Most web sites are small, and are owned by relatively people who have "better things to do" than figure out complex content management interfaces. Using Simple Box CMS, a web developer can provide a site owner with secure WYSIWYG editing of any part of any number of web pages. Simple Box CMS has two goals.
1. To provide small business site owners with the ability to make site changes without the complexity of a full blown content management system.
2. To provide developers who work on tight budgets with a secure and easy-to-install CMS that they won't have to spend time supporting.
This version adds a new config file.

Posted by Ken 2006-04-02