
Tree [r3] /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 includes 2011-05-03 tooliload [r3]
 pages 2011-05-03 tooliload [r1]
 templates 2011-05-03 tooliload [r1]
 index.php 2011-05-03 tooliload [r1]
 readme.txt 2011-05-03 tooliload [r1]

Read Me

# Simple MOS #

Go in Folder /includes/ and edit the 
Upload the SQL Dump in your Database. You finde the dump in /includes/ordersystem.sql .
Upload all Files to yout Webspace and have fun!
CHMOD templates_c to Webuser-Write Rights (like 755 or 777).

# Changelog  #

03.05.2011 - Version 0.0.1
Go Live! 


# ToDo       #

[ ] Add API Support for Domain Registar (like INWX)
[ ] Add API Support fot Webhosting Panels (like Confixx)
[ ] Add API Support for Costumer Panels (like g*Sales)
[ ] Add Backend for Admin
[x] Add Frontend for Costumer
[x] Make SQL
[x] Idea