

Nikolaus Vahrenkamp Valerij Wittenbeck

Simox comes with several ready to use examples that can be used as templates for developing custom applications. Please have a look at the examples folder in the directories VirtualRobot, MotionPlanning and GraspPlanning. Most examples rely on the Coin3D/Qt libraries for visualization, but you will find at least the RobotViewerOSG example showing how to incorporate the OpenSceneGraph library.


This executable can be used to visualize and test your robot definition. A robot's XML file can be loaded and RobtoNodeSets, RobotNodes and EndEffectors can be accessed.


This RobotViewer relies on OpenSceneGraph (OSG) dependencies instead of Coin3D.


This example shows how Jacobians and their Pseudoinverse can be used for Differential-IK queries. Several advanced features are shown, such as bimanual IK or selective use of Cartesian targets (e.g. only the Z component is set, while ignoring the remaining coordinates).


This example shows how scenes with multiple robots and objects can be accessed.


Reachability data can be created and visualized with this example.


This editor can be used to create, load or manually modify grasping data that is stored with ManipulationObject files.

RrtGui (Saba)

This example shows how the motion planning library Saba can be used to plan collision-free motions. Several RRT variants can be selected together with its parameter setup. Further, path post processing functionality is shown to smooth the resulting motions.

IKRRT (Saba)

This demo shows how the IKRRT can be used to search for IK-solutions while planning collision-free motions.

GraspRrt (Saba)

The GraspRrt algorithm can be used to simultaneously plan a collision-free motion together with a suitable grasp. For this planner no pre-defined grasps have to be present since the algorithm autonomously generates grasping hypotheses.

GraspPlanning (GraspStudio)

This example shows how sets of grasps can be planned by the generic grasp planning component. The grasps are evaluated with the grasp wrench space approach.

GraspQuality (GraspStudio)

Quality measurements can be used to evaluate the quality of a given grasp / IK-solution.


Wiki: GraspStudio
Wiki: Saba