
Latest news

Well, things are progressing nicely. All bugs that have cropped up in the last month or so have been fixed, with the exception of one. There have been two new patches, but due to the fact that visitors were only downloading the oldest one (catch a wake-up, people) I hid all except the most recent releases.

Improvements-wise, no new work. I've used my off-time to develop some improvements to the security of the system, which will be debuting in a future release (probably v1001). It's a mechanism for preventing replay attacks which, while not foolproof, is a lot more secure than the current setup, and fast as well.

We have also, of course, finally put up the Micron source ;) for those who want to start editing it. Took a while, eh? Blame lordmentat...he just couldn't decide on a final version ;) Hehe.

My ideal is to release v1001 by the end of the year, adding new features like URL forums, post previewing, and whatever else catches my fancy - oh, proper logging :) The support is there...I just have to get round to it.

Righty-oh. Bejorgen out.

Posted by Daniel Lowes 2004-08-24

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