
RSS shows off with SILEX

let's meet!

You are invited on Saturdays January 17th and 31st in Paris to the CafeSilex and workshops to share our common knowledge about Silex.

You can register now, free entry, but we can take only 60 people at a time
Please fill in the registration form here and now :

The release

The next release of Silex has not come yet but we can already tell you that it will be full of surprises (already as beta version on SourceForge)
Here is a list of the gifts you will receive :

  • Silex goes on a diet and becomes light
  • The Frame component that allows you to insert any widget or other web page inside the Silex website…interesting, isn't it ?
    => try it with us in January

  • The tutorial to use the simple Wordpress as back office.

  • Silex translations in German thanks to DrugBox, in Hindy thanks to Infotonics Media

Waiting for Christmas, the team lets you have a preview on the RSS tutorial :

The RSS shows off with SILEX
or How to launch a search so that it comes back

What's the RSS, how does it work in Silex, and most of all : does it hurt ?

First of all, don't worry, it is no more wild because some have spent hours to tame it !
Let's see the Wikipedia article to improve our knowledge on the RSS

So, thanks to this technology you can easily :
- create news, blogs, podcast, webtv, make searches…
- to secure the loyalty of clients, or at least suggest a subscription to your feed.
=> see the tutorial :
=> manage your own website to generate a RSS feed :

A few links

News archives:
Official SILEX website:
Subscribe to Newsletter:
Vote for the next functions(beta version):

+++ SILEX team
Thanks to Vincent Lafleur for this translation :)

Posted by lexoyo 2008-12-08

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