
#3 Issues with cron jobs and task manager


I'm having trouble getting the cron jobs to work right, so I'm unable to get any automatic source updates. I've tried this on three different systems (CentOS, Ubuntu, and Windows) with the same results. When I execute it via crontab or the command line I get this:
[root@sigvi]/var/www/html# /usr/bin/php -c /etc/php.ini -f /var/www/html/cron/launch_processes.php
Executing task: '10 Autovalidate alerts'
- return code: 99
Executing task: '20 Load Vulnerabilities'
- return code: 99
Executing task: '30 Check server vulnerabilities'
- return code: 99
Executing task: '40 Check repository Updates'
- return code: 99
Executing task: '50 Load product dictionaries'
- return code: 99
Executing task: '99 Reports'
- return code: 99

When I run it through the web UI it works, but will only load the NVD Recent and NVD Updates sources, even when other sources (Like NVD - 2013) are enabled. The only way to get other sources to load is to disable NVC Recent and NVD Updates. Also, when using the web UI they don't run according to the schedules set - they only run manually.

Do you know why this might be happening? I've spent a while troubleshooting it but can't figure out why it's not working.

1 Attachments


Support Requests: #3


  • tiochan

    tiochan - 2014-03-17

    Return code "99" means not executed.
    Please, edit your <sigvi_home>/conf/app.conf.php file and set DEBUG to true (define("DEBUG",false); --> define("DEBUG",true);).

    Also, edit your php.ini file (depending on OS, you might found 2 files, one for apache and other of command line), you must enable the short open tag parameter (short_open_tag = On)

    Restart apache and try again,
    Let me know if there is more info about the error.

    • fivedozen

      fivedozen - 2014-03-17

      Thanks for the quick response! I don't really notice much difference with
      the output from the CLI other than an "Executed Ok." message. Here's the
      partial output:

      [root@sigvi]/var/www/html# php -f /var/www/html/cron/launch_processes.php

      Executing task: '10 Autovalidate alerts'
      - return code: 99

      I've verified that PHP is using the correct ini and that short open tags
      are enabled and have tried it on both test boxes. When I run each script
      individually I don't get any error messages and they seem to work fine,
      with the exception of Load Vulnerabilities not loading all sources, but
      when I run the launch_processes script nothing runs.

      I'll keep troubleshooting. If you have any recommendations, please let me
      know. I could just run a cron job for each script individually if I need
      to, although I'd still need to figure out why vulnerabilities aren't
      loading from all sources.
      Thanks again!

      On Mon, Mar 17, 2014 at 1:43 AM, tiochan wrote:

      Return code "99" means not executed.
      Please, edit your /conf/app.conf.php file and set DEBUG to true
      (define("DEBUG",false); --> define("DEBUG",true);).

      Also, edit your php.ini file (depending on OS, you might found 2 files,
      one for apache and other of command line), you must enable the short open
      tag parameter (short_open_tag = On)

      Restart apache and try again,
      Let me know if there is more info about the error.

      Status: open
      Group: v1.0_(example)
      Created: Fri Mar 14, 2014 07:56 PM UTC by fivedozen
      Last Updated: Fri Mar 14, 2014 07:56 PM UTC
      Owner: tiochan

      I'm having trouble getting the cron jobs to work right, so I'm unable to
      get any automatic source updates. I've tried this on three different
      systems (CentOS, Ubuntu, and Windows) with the same results. When I execute
      it via crontab or the command line I get this:
      [root@sigvi]/var/www/html# /usr/bin/php -c /etc/php.ini -f
      Executing task: '10 Autovalidate alerts'
      - return code: 99
      Executing task: '20 Load Vulnerabilities'
      - return code: 99
      Executing task: '30 Check server vulnerabilities'
      - return code: 99
      Executing task: '40 Check repository Updates'
      - return code: 99
      Executing task: '50 Load product dictionaries'
      - return code: 99
      Executing task: '99 Reports'
      - return code: 99

      When I run it through the web UI it works, but will only load the NVD
      Recent and NVD Updates sources, even when other sources (Like NVD - 2013)
      are enabled. The only way to get other sources to load is to disable NVC
      Recent and NVD Updates. Also, when using the web UI they don't run
      according to the schedules set - they only run manually.

      Do you know why this might be happening? I've spent a while
      troubleshooting it but can't figure out why it's not working.

      Sent from because you indicated interest in

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      Support Requests: #3

  • tiochan

    tiochan - 2014-03-18

    Ok, let's try to execute one of them. Obviously, a return code "99" and finally an Ok is not correct, so better examine one of them.

    If you access via Web to the tasks manager (Configuration -> Task manager) you will be able to see the scripts which are executed.

    At the right side of each you will see a blue wheel, which can be used to execute that script on-line. (If the script appears with an "?" means that can't find it).

    1. Execute one script using the wheel
    2. Execute the script via command line, e.g.: php -f <sigvi_home>/my_include/cron/autovalidate_alerts.php

  • fivedozen

    fivedozen - 2014-03-18

    Ok, I gave this a shot and everything seemed to work when executing a single script. When I ran the autovalidate script from the web it said it ran OK (see screenshot). When I ran it from the command line it didn't produce any output:
    [root@sigvi]/# php -f /var/www/html/my_include/cron/autovalidate_alerts.php

    It seems like it's just the launch_processes.php script that is having issues. If I just set a cron job for each script, would that solve the issue? The "Periodicity" option in the web UI doesn't work, but I could set it via crontab.

  • tiochan

    tiochan - 2014-03-18

    To ensure that the tasks executes correctly, try to execute the task "20 Load Vulnerabilities":
    1. Go to vulnerabilities page (Inventory -> vulnerabilities)
    2. Reset the search form (clear the date) and click the search button
    3. Remember the number of vulnerabilities that you have actually loaded (you can see the number on the top-right side of the table
    4. Go to sources (Configuration -> sources)
    5. Check that you have enabled "NVD - Recents" and "NVD - Updates" (Use it = Yes)
    6. Execute from command line "php -f <sigvi_home>/plugins/cron/load_vulnerabilities.php"
    7. Check for errors on output and go back to points 1 and 2, to see if the number of vulnerabilities have been increased

    I wait for results.
    Good luck!

    • fivedozen

      fivedozen - 2014-03-18

      Alright, I tried this and it does update the vulnerabilties. The output is

      [root@sigvi]/# php -f /var/www/html/plugins/cron/load_vulnerabilities.php

      Vulnerabilities loaded from source NVD - updates: found 456
      vulnerabilities, 456 of them were loaded into dabatase.

      Vulnerabilities loaded from source NVD - Recents: found 231
      vulnerabilities, 0 of them were loaded into dabatase.


      The only problem is that I also have the NVD - 2013 feed enabled but it
      doesn't update that or list it in the output there. Any idea why?
      Thanks again for all of your help - I appreciate it!

      On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 3:33 PM, tiochan wrote:

      To ensure that the tasks executes correctly, try to execute the task "20
      Load Vulnerabilities":
      1. Go to vulnerabilities page (Inventory -> vulnerabilities)
      2. Reset the search form (clear the date) and click the search button
      3. Remember the number of vulnerabilities that you have actually loaded
      (you can see the number on the top-right side of the table
      4. Go to sources (Configuration -> sources)
      5. Check that you have enabled "NVD - Recents" and "NVD - Updates" (Use it
      = Yes)
      6. Execute from command line "php -f
      7. Check for errors on output and go back to points 1 and 2, to see if the
      number of vulnerabilities have been increased

      I wait for results.
      Good luck!

      Status: open
      Group: v1.0_(example)
      Created: Fri Mar 14, 2014 07:56 PM UTC by fivedozen
      Last Updated: Tue Mar 18, 2014 05:05 PM UTC
      Owner: tiochan

      I'm having trouble getting the cron jobs to work right, so I'm unable to
      get any automatic source updates. I've tried this on three different
      systems (CentOS, Ubuntu, and Windows) with the same results. When I execute
      it via crontab or the command line I get this:
      [root@sigvi]/var/www/html# /usr/bin/php -c /etc/php.ini -f
      Executing task: '10 Autovalidate alerts'
      - return code: 99
      Executing task: '20 Load Vulnerabilities'
      - return code: 99
      Executing task: '30 Check server vulnerabilities'
      - return code: 99
      Executing task: '40 Check repository Updates'
      - return code: 99
      Executing task: '50 Load product dictionaries'
      - return code: 99
      Executing task: '99 Reports'
      - return code: 99

      When I run it through the web UI it works, but will only load the NVD
      Recent and NVD Updates sources, even when other sources (Like NVD - 2013)
      are enabled. The only way to get other sources to load is to disable NVC
      Recent and NVD Updates. Also, when using the web UI they don't run
      according to the schedules set - they only run manually.

      Do you know why this might be happening? I've spent a while
      troubleshooting it but can't figure out why it's not working.

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      Support Requests: #3

  • tiochan

    tiochan - 2014-03-19

    Ok, scripts runs all right.
    The problem with 2013 source... ¿?
    I have added 2013 and 2014 sources (shown in the attached image), take care with which parser you set.
    I recommend you to enable only the updates and recents, because the others are big files (NVD might aim sigvi as spammer). For each year, you only have to load them once.
    Try executing them one by one, beginning from 2002 until 2014, via Web using the right button.

    One question about SIGVI reports:
    - Do you receive the SIGVI report about daily tasks?
    - Do you have configured the server email service (e.g. try sending an email with "mailx")?
    - Do you have enabled the notifications on your user preferences?


  • fivedozen

    fivedozen - 2014-03-19

    Alright, I have some good news and bad news. The good news is I tried running the launch_processes.php script from the CLI this morning and it worked. The only problem was that the load_products script failed with the error code 255. I've attached screenshots of the report. Looking in the logs I see "Error reading dictionary CPE 1.0." and "Error reading dictionary CPE 2.1.". That apparently happens whether I run it from the CLI or web for the load_products script.

    The bad news is that after the launch_processes.php script ran successfully, I tried it again a few minutes later and everything failed with return code 99. I can't get it to run successfully again. I did not change anything between when it worked and when it didn't, so I have no idea why it would work one minute and not the next. Strange?

    Anyway, about your reports questions: the answer is yes to all of them. When the launch_processes.php ran correctly, I got a "Summary of Task Manager" email and a "SIGVI: Vulnerability alerts for your servers" email. I also get vulnerability report emails when I run the load_vulnerabilities.php script and it loads new vulnerabilities.
    Also, I see your point about the yearly feeds. I can load them individually and will do that once for each.


    Last edit: fivedozen 2014-03-19
  • tiochan

    tiochan - 2014-03-20

    I think that I have a clue about the origin of the problem.

    That's right, all this together is very very strange. A program that now runs perfectly, and next doesn't do it correctly is not usual.

    Testing my own SIGVI, and testing NVD sources, I have noticed that NVD might have a anti-attack method that only allows the same IP to download a single file for a period of time.

    Try it yourself:
    This is the URL where the product files are located:

    Try to download one, and then try with other. When I tried to download the second file it returned a 404 (not found) ¿?

    This is a very important change, and I can understand why they did it... but may be they could let to download at least 3 files: recent, updates and CPE product dictionaries.

    Anyway, this is as is, and the only we can do is to adapt.

    Now I'm going to work (in my so-limited spare time) on adapting to this new way to work. But the load of the CPE dictionary is not essential for SIGVI, because in fact, the internal product dictionary is generated by the products listed into the vulnerabilities.

    Do you agree with this?

    • fivedozen

      fivedozen - 2014-03-20

      You're right, there's something weird going on with the CPE dictionaries.
      Sometimes they load, sometimes they don't. If they aren't essential for
      SIGVI, then I guess it's not a big deal anyway. Two quick questions:

      1. Do you know why scheduling through the Task Manager in the web UI
        doesn't work? I can run them manually but if I set a schedule through the
        web they don't run. It's not a big deal because I can add them to crontab
        but I was just curious.
      2. Are the RSS sources loaded with the load_vulnerabilities script? I see
        the RSS feeds under the sources page, but can't figure out how they are
        loaded and where the info goes.

      I know you're busy so if you don't have time to answer all of these
      questions, that's fine. I appreciate your help so far and your work on this

      On Thu, Mar 20, 2014 at 2:25 AM, tiochan wrote:

      I think that I have a clue about the origin of the problem.

      That's right, all this together is very very strange. A program that now
      runs perfectly, and next doesn't do it correctly is not usual.

      Testing my own SIGVI, and testing NVD sources, I have noticed that NVD
      might have a anti-attack method that only allows the same IP to download a
      single file for a period of time.

      Try it yourself:
      This is the URL where the product files are located:

      Try to download one, and then try with other. When I tried to download the
      second file it returned a 404 (not found) ¿?

      This is a very important change, and I can understand why they did it...
      but may be they could let to download at least 3 files: recent, updates and
      CPE product dictionaries.

      Anyway, this is as is, and the only we can do is to adapt.

      Now I'm going to work (in my so-limited spare time) on adapting to this
      new way to work. But the load of the CPE dictionary is not essential for
      SIGVI, because in fact, the internal product dictionary is generated by the
      products listed into the vulnerabilities.

      Do you agree with this?

      Status: open
      Group: v1.0_(example)
      Created: Fri Mar 14, 2014 07:56 PM UTC by fivedozen
      Last Updated: Wed Mar 19, 2014 04:24 PM UTC
      Owner: tiochan

      I'm having trouble getting the cron jobs to work right, so I'm unable to
      get any automatic source updates. I've tried this on three different
      systems (CentOS, Ubuntu, and Windows) with the same results. When I execute
      it via crontab or the command line I get this:
      [root@sigvi]/var/www/html# /usr/bin/php -c /etc/php.ini -f
      Executing task: '10 Autovalidate alerts'
      - return code: 99
      Executing task: '20 Load Vulnerabilities'
      - return code: 99
      Executing task: '30 Check server vulnerabilities'
      - return code: 99
      Executing task: '40 Check repository Updates'
      - return code: 99
      Executing task: '50 Load product dictionaries'
      - return code: 99
      Executing task: '99 Reports'
      - return code: 99

      When I run it through the web UI it works, but will only load the NVD
      Recent and NVD Updates sources, even when other sources (Like NVD - 2013)
      are enabled. The only way to get other sources to load is to disable NVC
      Recent and NVD Updates. Also, when using the web UI they don't run
      according to the schedules set - they only run manually.

      Do you know why this might be happening? I've spent a while
      troubleshooting it but can't figure out why it's not working.

      Sent from because you indicated interest in

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      Support Requests: #3

  • tiochan

    tiochan - 2014-03-20

    Don't worry, I like to do it, the problem is to find time to do it :-)

    1. Do you know why scheduling through the Task Manager in the web UI
      doesn't work? I can run them manually but if I set a schedule through the
      web they don't run. It's not a big deal because I can add them to crontab
      but I was just curious.

    I guess that the problem might be on php.ini file. I for your posts I guess that your operative system is centos. In ubuntu, when you install the php5 module for apache and the php for command line (php5-cli), they use separated php.ini files.
    I have noticed that recent versions of php5 doesn't support short tags by default ("<?"). I have been solving this for next versions, but may be you have a problem like this.

    But, if you don't have inconvenient, lets do a few checks:

    1.1. Which version of SIGVI do you have?

    See at conf/app.conf.php file, search for APP_VERSION
    define("APP_VERSION","SIGVI R2 Enterprise 2.1.0");

    1.2. Do you have added a cron for SIGVI, as suggested in the INSTALL file?
    (check the path for php binary which php)

    e.g.: at /etc/crontab:
    0,30 * * www-data /usr/bin/php -f /var/www/html/cron/launch_processes.php > /tmp/output-sigvi.txt 2>&1

    Also you can check the output file for more clues.

    1.3. As I see on your first post, the path for your SIGVI installation is /var/www/html

    I think that this is correct, else the Web wouldn't work correctly, but just for the record:

    From your posts, I guess that the root dir of your web server site is "/var/www/html". Check that your conf/app.conf.php file this:

    HOME is set to "" (define("HOME","");)

    1. Are the RSS sources loaded with the load_vulnerabilities script? I see
      the RSS feeds under the sources page, but can't figure out how they are
      loaded and where the info goes.

    RSS feeds are accessed on-access-time. There is not any process or task to load them and the data is displayed directly to the user. No data is loaded into the database.


    • fivedozen

      fivedozen - 2014-03-21

      Yeah, my main install is on CentOS, but I have a test install on Ubuntu and
      so I test everything on that one too, just in case. You're right about the
      php.ini on Ubuntu, and I've changed that ini file (/etc/php5/cli/php.ini)
      to make sure that short tags are on, but the tasks in the Web UI still
      don't work. On CentOS I ran php --ini and it shows that it's using
      /etc/php.ini, which is what I've been editing, so I guess there's only one
      ini file.

      For your questions:

      1.1 I'm using the latest one: SIGVI R2 Enterprise 2.1.0

      1.2 I do have a cron job for sigvi in crontab. It's "0 6 * * * apache
      /usr/bin/php -f /var/www/html/cron/launch_processes.php >> /tmp/sigvi.txt
      2>&1". The output always contains those "return code: 99" messages, so I've
      switched to running load_vulnerabilities.php from crontab instead of

      1.3 You're correct, my install is in /var/www/html, which is the default
      for centos. My HOME variable is define("HOME","");

      Thanks for answering all those questions - I know time is short! Now I know
      how the RSS feeds work too.
      It's not that big of a deal if the tasks in the web ui don't work, I'll
      just set cron jobs for the scripts - that seems to work.

      On Thu, Mar 20, 2014 at 5:46 PM, tiochan wrote:

      Don't worry, I like to do it, the problem is to find time to do it :-)

      1. Do you know why scheduling through the Task Manager in the web UI
        doesn't work? I can run them manually but if I set a schedule through
        web they don't run. It's not a big deal because I can add them to
        but I was just curious.

      I guess that the problem might be on php.ini file. I for your posts I
      guess that your operative system is centos. In ubuntu, when you install the
      php5 module for apache and the php for command line (php5-cli), they use
      separated php.ini files.
      I have noticed that recent versions of php5 doesn't support short tags by
      default ("<?"). I have been solving this for next versions, but may be you
      have a problem like this.

      But, if you don't have inconvenient, lets do a few checks:

      1.1. Which version of SIGVI do you have?

      See at conf/app.conf.php file, search for APP_VERSION
      define("APP_VERSION","SIGVI R2 Enterprise 2.1.0");

      1.2. Do you have added a cron for SIGVI, as suggested in the INSTALL file?
      (check the path for php binary which php)

      e.g.: at /etc/crontab:
      0,30 * * www-data /usr/bin/php -f
      /var/www/html/cron/launch_processes.php > /tmp/output-sigvi.txt 2>&1

      Also you can check the output file for more clues.

      1.3. As I see on your first post, the path for your SIGVI installation is

      I think that this is correct, else the Web wouldn't work correctly, but
      just for the record:

      From your posts, I guess that the root dir of your web server site is
      "/var/www/html". Check that your conf/app.conf.php file this:

      HOME is set to "" (define("HOME","");)

      1. Are the RSS sources loaded with the load_vulnerabilities script? I
        the RSS feeds under the sources page, but can't figure out how they are
        loaded and where the info goes.

      RSS feeds are accessed on-access-time. There is not any process or task to
      load them and the data is displayed directly to the user. No data is loaded
      into the database.


      Status: open
      Group: v1.0_(example)
      Created: Fri Mar 14, 2014 07:56 PM UTC by fivedozen
      Last Updated: Thu Mar 20, 2014 07:25 AM UTC
      Owner: tiochan

      I'm having trouble getting the cron jobs to work right, so I'm unable to
      get any automatic source updates. I've tried this on three different
      systems (CentOS, Ubuntu, and Windows) with the same results. When I execute
      it via crontab or the command line I get this:
      [root@sigvi]/var/www/html# /usr/bin/php -c /etc/php.ini -f
      Executing task: '10 Autovalidate alerts'
      - return code: 99
      Executing task: '20 Load Vulnerabilities'
      - return code: 99
      Executing task: '30 Check server vulnerabilities'
      - return code: 99
      Executing task: '40 Check repository Updates'
      - return code: 99
      Executing task: '50 Load product dictionaries'
      - return code: 99
      Executing task: '99 Reports'
      - return code: 99

      When I run it through the web UI it works, but will only load the NVD
      Recent and NVD Updates sources, even when other sources (Like NVD - 2013)
      are enabled. The only way to get other sources to load is to disable NVC
      Recent and NVD Updates. Also, when using the web UI they don't run
      according to the schedules set - they only run manually.

      Do you know why this might be happening? I've spent a while
      troubleshooting it but can't figure out why it's not working.

      Sent from because you indicated interest in

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      Support Requests: #3

  • tiochan

    tiochan - 2014-03-22

    Now I don't know what could be happening.

    I have just installed on a Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS, with the lastest versions and I had'nt any problem.
    I'll try on a centos trying to have the same behavior.

    As soon as I have tested it, I'll contact you again. Also, if meanwhile you find the problem, please let me know.

    Thank you for helping me on debugging it.


  • tiochan

    tiochan - 2014-03-24

    Now I have just discovered what is happening.
    I have created a new VM with CentOS and installed sigvi on it.
    I experienced the same problem that you reported at the beggining, the return code 99 and discovered which is the problem.

    Oh my God, I'm really silly.

    There is no problem, return code 99 means "NOT EXECUTED", and the only reason is that this is not the moment to execute it.

    Each process has its own schedule defined at the SIGVI's "Task Manager". So if now is not the specified moment to execute it, the it will not be executed (and returns a 99).

    But examining the source code, I remembered that you can force to do it passing a "force" in the command line:

    php -f /var/www/html/sigvi/cron/launch_processes.php force

    Please, check it.
    I'm so sorry for having you reviewing the code and your system.

    • fivedozen

      fivedozen - 2014-03-24

      That did it! I just ran it with the force option and it ran just fine. I
      was wondering if there was a relation between the scheduled time in the
      task manager and launching the script and I guess that was the case. I
      should have looked at the source more carefully!

      I think now everything is working as I need it to. I'll schedule a cron job
      for the launch_processes script and will be good to go. Thanks again for
      your help with troubleshooting this, I owe you one!

      On Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 2:59 AM, tiochan wrote:

      Now I have just discovered what is happening.
      I have created a new VM with CentOS and installed sigvi on it.
      I experienced the same problem that you reported at the beggining, the
      return code 99 and discovered which is the problem.

      Oh my God, I'm really silly.

      There is no problem, return code 99 means "NOT EXECUTED", and the only
      reason is that this is not the moment to execute it.

      Each process has its own schedule defined at the SIGVI's "Task Manager".
      So if now is not the specified moment to execute it, the it will not be
      executed (and returns a 99).

      But examining the source code, I remembered that you can force to do it
      passing a "force" in the command line:

      php -f /var/www/html/sigvi/cron/launch_processes.php force

      Please, check it.
      I'm so sorry for having you reviewing the code and your system.

      Status: open
      Group: v1.0_(example)
      Created: Fri Mar 14, 2014 07:56 PM UTC by fivedozen
      Last Updated: Sat Mar 22, 2014 11:25 PM UTC
      Owner: tiochan

      I'm having trouble getting the cron jobs to work right, so I'm unable to
      get any automatic source updates. I've tried this on three different
      systems (CentOS, Ubuntu, and Windows) with the same results. When I execute
      it via crontab or the command line I get this:
      [root@sigvi]/var/www/html# /usr/bin/php -c /etc/php.ini -f
      Executing task: '10 Autovalidate alerts'
      - return code: 99
      Executing task: '20 Load Vulnerabilities'
      - return code: 99
      Executing task: '30 Check server vulnerabilities'
      - return code: 99
      Executing task: '40 Check repository Updates'
      - return code: 99
      Executing task: '50 Load product dictionaries'
      - return code: 99
      Executing task: '99 Reports'
      - return code: 99

      When I run it through the web UI it works, but will only load the NVD
      Recent and NVD Updates sources, even when other sources (Like NVD - 2013)
      are enabled. The only way to get other sources to load is to disable NVC
      Recent and NVD Updates. Also, when using the web UI they don't run
      according to the schedules set - they only run manually.

      Do you know why this might be happening? I've spent a while
      troubleshooting it but can't figure out why it's not working.

      Sent from because you indicated interest in

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      Support Requests: #3

  • tiochan

    tiochan - 2014-03-25

    Remember that the job must be executed half-hourly, because the tasks can be set until this periodicity:

    0,30 * * www-data /usr/bin/php -f /var/www/html/cron/launch_processes.php > /tmp/output-sigvi.txt 2>&1

    If you put this line, you can remove the others that you put additionally.

    Thanks for help me to remember the deeps of sigvi, and thanks for using it.

    I'm planning to develop the next release, and any ideas would be welcome.

    Best regards.

  • tiochan

    tiochan - 2014-03-25
    • status: open --> closed

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