
MSAuthCodeTimeStampSigner Issue

Ben Yuen
  • Ben Yuen

    Ben Yuen - 2021-01-17


    I have set up the timestamp signer, MSAuthCodeTimeStampSigner and crypto keystore from the sample configuration.

    I have tested the timestamp signer using command "bin/signclient timestamp http://localhost:8080/signserver/process?workerName=TimeStampSigner", it works.

    However, if I test MSAuthCodeTimeStampSigner using "bin/signclient timestamp http://localhost:8080/signserver/process?workerName=MSAuthCodeTimeStampSigner, it failed with Internal server error 500.

    After checking the log, it shows :
    00:45:46,591 ERROR [] (default task-1) WFLYEJB0034: EJB Invocation failed on component ProcessSessionBean for method public abstract org.signserver.ejb.interfaces.ProcessSessionLocal.process(org.signserver.server.log.AdminInfo,org.signserver.common.WorkerIdentifier,,org.signserver.common.RequestContext) throws org.signserver.common.IllegalRequestException,org.signserver.common.CryptoTokenOfflineException,org.signserver.common.SignServerException: javax.ejb.EJBException: org.bouncycastle.util.encoders.DecoderException: unable to decode base64 data: invalid characters encountered in base64 data

    Can anyone help to fix?


  • Markus Kilås

    Markus Kilås - 2021-03-05

    Hi Ben,

    The SignClient timestamp command sends RFC#3161 time-stamp requests while your MSAuthCodeTimeStampSigner expects (legacy) MS Authenticode TimeStamp requests.

    We do not have a tool to send MS time-stamp requests, for that you could use MS SignTool.exe in Windows with some parameter to tell it to use that format or you can change to use the standard TimeStampSigner instead as it is anyway recommended to use RFC#3161 time-stamps even with Authenticode signatures nowadays.



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