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File Date Author Commit
 index.php 2013-10-15 msfriese [r2] Changed default settings and removed jquery lib.
 readme.txt 2013-10-15 msfriese [r1] initial commit

Read Me

Pagemap Imagewall


Pagemap ImageWall is a web gallery script, free for private and
commercial use, developed by Pagemap Premium Portfolios in Germany.


- Apache Webserver (recommended) or IIS
- PHP version 4.3 or greater
- PHP extension GDLib


- Download a copy from
  and unpack it on your webserver.

- Open your web browser and go to the script at

- That's it. If you want to configure the script see next chapters.


Just rename the file index.php to uninstall.php and run the script.
It will delete the cache directory and the config.txt if you are
not able to do this via FTP.


You can change the look and feel of the gallery in many ways.
Create a config.txt in the same directory as Pagemap ImageWall
and check out the available Config Tags here:


If you want to include the script (index.php) in a custom PHP file set Config Tag
[Embedded Script'] to "on" and use $set['script name'] in your script to define
the path to the Pagemap ImageWall script. You can optional define a root path for
config file and default images dir with $set['script dir']. Also you should set
[jQuery Path] to empty (this will disable the internal script) and include the
framework in your HTML head.


If you are having problems installing or using Pagemap Imagewall, please
visit the project website ( and read
the documentation or contact us:


Pagemap Imagewall is written by Nico Wenig
Copyright © 2010 by Pagemap Premium Portfolios. All rights reserved.

The software is provieded as is, without warranty of any kind, express or
implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability,
fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. In no event shall the
authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other
liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from
out of or in connectioin with the software or the use of other dealings in
the software.


Pagemap Premium Portfolios
Glashüttenstraße 2, D-30165 Hannover

Phone: +49(0)511 3405483


v1.2 (Release 2010-08-18)
Added Pagemap favicon.
Improved embedding feature.
Improved source code for better performance.
Added tags [jQuery Path], [Custom HTML] and [Image Size].
Added jQuery framework and imrpoved all JavaScript code.
Replaced full image view script "Lytebox" by "Slimbox 2" (for jQuery).
Fixed issue that caused Firefox to crash in full image view.

v1.1 (Release 2010-07-25)
Added automatic cache clearing if config file is changed.
Added usage of EXIF thumbnails instead of rendering if GD module
not loaded or file size is greater than server memory limit.
Added uninstall routine.
Added tag [Exclude Images].
Added tag [Images List].
Added workaround for very large galleries.
New faster fade in effect for thumbnails.
Fixed no opacity issue on load when mouse over image.
Completely redesigned slideshow.

v1.0.1 (Release 2010-07-23)
Fixed wrong parameter in line 143.
Added Thumbnail Background config parameter.
Added Custom CSS config parameter.

v1.0 (Release 2010-07-17)
First Release.