
SIGGI / Blog: Recent posts

v0.3 - v0.4 Release

Minor Change:

The CPRANDOM type has been changed in its function. Now it does not become a type (CPINVENTOR, CPCOMMENTATOR, CPCIRCULATOR) for one round and stays that way for the rest of the game, but it uniformly randomly acts like one of those types every round.
Please note the implications on the function of the different computer player in the way they model real players.

A simulation with this new behaviour (collaborative incentive scheme) can be found in the simulations folder.
We see that it has less wins and gets less rewards than the ErraticPlayer. ... read more

Posted by Rüdiger Ruwe 2012-10-05

Initial Blog Post


This is my first blog post here so I should probably use it to firstly ramble a wee bit about this project.

For the purpose of a thesis I needed a simulator for ideation games and created one from scratch. The program simulates various players with some heuristics. The heuristics can be changed in the source code. The paradigm that was used for the program design is "Use the right tool for the right job."... read more

Posted by Rüdiger Ruwe 2012-10-05