
Sifter: filesystem transfer program / News: Recent posts

Release 0.16

Sifter version 0.16 has been released. It is now stable enough that I use it almost daily, and I believe that it is ready for beta testing by others. It has an autoconfig script for installation and should not be very hard to configure if you read the documentation.

A brief description of the code: sifter searches through your directory tree for files that have changed recently. It sifts out the ones that are important and packes them onto a floppy disk so that you may take them home with you.

Posted by Fred Gylys-Colwell 2002-05-10

Sifter: Release 0.1

The first release of sifter is now ready for download. I would welcome any comments, critiques, bug reports or patches. The program is designed to sift through your directory tree, pick out important files that have changed recently, and copy them to a disk so that you may take files from one computer to another.

I consider this code to be in the late-alpha state: it is usable, but should not be trusted to run on "automatic pilot". ... read more

Posted by Fred Gylys-Colwell 2001-09-18