
Shutdown Automaton Home

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Welcome to Shutdown Automaton Wiki!

Latest version :

Basic instructions:

When you open the program you will be presented with the following screen:


1.Choose preferred action

On the top there is a list with all the available actions
(Shutdown,Enhanced Shutdown, Restart, logoff, lock, sleep, hibernation, start an app...)
Choose the one you want

2.Choose preferred schedule type

As you can see there are 4 different types of schedules
Every schedule has its tile.

1st one is Date/time based and has three subcategories:
  • once: You set a date and timepoint that will run only once
  • daily: You set time and schedule will run every day
  • weekly: You select days of week, set time and schedule will run on the selected day(s) at the specific time.
2nd one is timer based:
  • Enter the amount of time for timer to countdown until zero
  • You can also stack multiple countdown timers (for more info see [Fire multiple timers])
3rd one is based on computer activity and has two subcategories:
  • No user activity: You set a period of keyboard/mouse inactivity.(Whenever user stops using the computer a counter starts and if it reaches the period specified, preferred action is performed)
  • No computer activity: You set again an amount of time and this a cpu activity threshold using the slider.(A long as this cpu threshold is not surpassed, timer will increase until it reaches the amount of time set, then preferred action is performed)
4th one is based on monitoring of files or processes:
  • monitoring of file: You choose a file and then set a trigger ( file delete event or file rename event). If any of these events occurs on the file, preferred action is performed.
  • monitoring of process: You choose a process from the menu, whenever this process (application) exits, preferred action is performed.
If you want this schedule to autorun everytime program starts, click Auto-run this schedule checkbox (if it is available in the selected schedule).

3. Hit run button and you are ready!

usage example:
This computer will go into hibernation if stays idle (no user activity) for 40 minutes

What's more ..

Web Access
  • You can access Shutdown Automaton remotely by simple using your browser (web interface simply uses html and is compatible with every browser and platform).
    For Web access guide: [Remote Web Access].

Tip: Shutdown, enhanced Shutdown, Restart take 1 minute to be performed. If you change your mind, during that time you can press the "Cancel" link. (Applies only to web access interface)

Cleanup PC before shutdown
  • Do you always forget to clean-up junk from your pc or delete downloads from the Internet ?.
    No problem!, Shutdown Automaton will perform these tasks automatically before shutdown.
    Just choose Enhanced Shutdown from the available actions and S.A will do the rest.
    (Initially you have to set-up which actions you want be performed during Enhanced Shutdown
    press set-up link or got to Settings->Enhanced Shutdown).

    Available actions :
    • Clean up temporary and junk files (using CCleaner, remember to set your preferences through its interface).
    • Empty the recycle bin.
    • Delete the contents of a folder of your choice.

Tip: You can also perform enhanced Shutdown or just cleanup through Web access interface.

Tip: Enhanced Shutdown when fires, takes some time to perform the cleanup operations. It takes
at least 1 minute before performing the shutdown. During cleanup time you can always cancel shutdown
by stopping the schedule.

Multiple Countdown Timers
  • You can set a queue of timers that fire automatically one after the other!.
    Hint : right click timer's countdown field and select "Add to queue".
    See for more information: [Fire multiple timers].

More tips
  • With Shutdown Automaton you can replace sleep functionality of Windows. Simply select sleep from menu then from 3rd schedule "No user activity", set desired inactivity time, check the two Auto-run checkboxes at the bottom of main page and hit run.


Wiki: Fire multiple timers
Wiki: Remote Web Access