
Shoutr / News: Recent posts

Work begins once again.

I have decided to bring this project back from the dead, however since I will be starting from the ground up, don't expect the next version very soon. You can still see my progress in SVN though.

Posted by prattmic 2007-12-14


After 4 months of inactivity I have begun work on Shoutr again. In this release:

- Fixed: On some installs the order was not desending
- Fixed: XSS flaw

1.0 is coming soon I promise!

Posted by prattmic 2007-05-28


Fixed bug in which auto-refresh did not work.

Posted by prattmic 2007-01-21


After almost a month Shoutr 0.9 is out!
- Smilies
- Better fallback when JS not present
- Footer equal on all pages
- Fixed error in ban table not being created on install

Posted by prattmic 2007-01-13


Today I give to you Shoutr 0.8!

- MySQL Support
- IP Banning
- Small UI changes

Posted by prattmic 2006-12-14


0.8 will use MySQL.

0.7.1 changelog:
- Fixed: Non ajax version not working
- Fixed: Errors not functioning in IE6
- Admin login now redirects to admin.php
- Improved config.php performance.

Posted by prattmic 2006-11-23

0.6 and 0.7

I forgot to add news for 0.6 release.

Version 0.7
- Added support for multiple pages.
Version 0.6 - November 10, 2006
- Users
- Remember me
- Name protection
- New Default theme
- Max length for posts
- Konqueror works fully

Posted by prattmic 2006-11-16


Shoutr 0.5 is out.
- Fixed major browser compatiblity bugs (only Firefox worked right)
- Admin can done edit and delete individual entries
- Better default layout

Posted by prattmic 2006-11-04

0.4 Major Bugs

Apparently, 0.4 only works in Firefox right now. I am working on a fix, but until then, I suggest you use 0.3.

Posted by prattmic 2006-11-04