
Shopping-ManaJer / News: Recent posts

Milestone 4 released!!

Today it is finally done!
Milestone 4 is out now!! We hope you have fun playing it.

Posted by Anonymous 2007-09-01

1 Year Shopping-ManaJer!!

One Year before Shopping-ManaJer was born.
So: Happy Birthday Shopping-ManaJer an a soon release of M4!

Posted by Anonymous 2007-05-25

Milestone 4 - Release Candidate 1 released

Now, we alomst finsihed the work on M4 and are proud to release M4 RC1. This realese should work well. But if you find any bug, please report them.

Posted by Anonymous 2007-02-11

Miestone 4 - Beta 1 released

Yes it is true! Shopping-ManaJer did not sleep all this time. If you miss M3 final: We skipped M3 final.
Now what we want to tell: Shopping-ManaJer Milestone 4 - Beta 1 is released. save&load ist not supportrt at this time. Why? M2 an M3-Beta1 supports it: Yes, with M4 we will use a new save&load mechanism, that had to wait, until all new features are implementet. Now we can work on save&load support. Note: You will not load M2 oder M3 Savegames!!

Posted by Anonymous 2007-01-31

Java gets OpenSource

Today sun officiall annouced to put Java into GPLv2! What does ist mean for Shopping-ManaJer:
Shopping-ManaJer will official support the "Open Source Java" in the future. With this, shopping-ManaJer has no Problems to get Integrated into the distributions. When the time is came, we will suggest Shopping-ManaJer in some Distributions.

Posted by Anonymous 2006-11-13

Milestone 3 - Beta 1 released

Shopping-Manager did a big step forward!
Many new features are implemented. But it is still Beta!
For all finnish players: We are sorry that there is no finnisch translation, but be will work on it, and when it is finnsished, ist will be in the next release!

Posted by Anonymous 2006-10-04

Waiting for M3?

We are sorry, that there is still no release of Milestone 3. In the last time, we did not have much time for working on it. But if you want, to the the current version, download the current svn Version. It has almost all plannet features.

Posted by Anonymous 2006-09-13

Milestone 2 released!!

Now Milestone 2 ist finished. We will start working on M3 from now on. Have fun with this game!

Posted by Anonymous 2006-08-22

Milestone 2 Final on Thusday

The Final release of Milestone 2 will be released on Thusday. After that we will start working von Milestone 3. If you cannot wait for it, you can download the current svn version.

Posted by Anonymous 2006-08-18

Milestone 2 RC1 released!

Now we have finished working on RC1 for Shopping-ManaJer Milestone 2. We hope you have fun with it. This release contains a binary ans a source-only package.

Posted by Anonymous 2006-08-08

Mileston 2 - Beta 2 released

Now we have finished working on the Todo list. It ist quite unstable. So use it only for testing!

Posted by Anonymous 2006-07-18

Milestone 2 - Beta 1 released

Now we have finished our goals for Milestone 2. Now we will work on the Todo-list. We hope to release Milestone 2 Final soon.

Posted by Anonymous 2006-07-06

Milestone 1- Final released

Now we have finished working for Milestone 1. Now we can work on Milestone 2. Have fun with playing.

Posted by Anonymous 2006-06-16

Milestone 1 - RC 1 released

Now we have finished our working on Milestone 1. In the files section you will find two files. One contains sources+binarys and one with only sources.
Have fun with M1 :)

Posted by Anonymous 2006-06-08

Milestone 1 - Beta 2 released

Now M1 is very stable, so we released the second Beta. All todos are done. If you find Bugs, please report them.

Posted by Anonymous 2006-05-31

Milestone 1 -Beta 1 released

Now we have uploaded the first release of Shopping-ManaJer.

Posted by Anonymous 2006-05-28